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Pointedness in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2020-04-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: interrelatednessdisinterestednessinterconnectednesscontentednessrelatednesssightednessspiritednessindebtednessMeaning: ['pɔɪntnɪs]  n. 1. the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip 2. the quality of being obviously directed at a particular person or thing. 
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1. Concentration is often called one- pointedness of mind.
2. The key is single - pointedness of mind.
3. The pointedness of his sarcasm was unmistakable.
4. Unwholesome one- pointedness is also possible, but it will not lead to liberation.
5. Many folk recipes have their own advantages, with strong pointedness and very good effect.
6. Typically the training begins with the closed control of attention in concentration, then moves on to the open awareness of insight once full one- pointedness has been attained.
7. It must be emphasized that true concentration is a wholesome one- pointedness of mind.
8. When mind control and the controlling factor are equally balanced, then comes the condition of one - pointedness.
9. We use the focus of attention to achieve one- pointedness of mind with calm and constantly applied attention.
More similar words: interrelatednessdisinterestednessinterconnectednesscontentednessrelatednesssightednessspiritednessindebtednesspointedconnectednessfarsightednessforesightednesscomplicatednessunexpectednessappointedpointedlywarmheartednessnearsightednesswholeheartednesskind-heartednesskindheartednesslightheartednessdisconnectednessshortsightednesspointed archpointlessnessself-centerednessdisappointedappointed dayself-appointed
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