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Raped in a sentence

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Sentence count:127+2Posted:2017-12-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: drapedscrapedtapedleapedheapedshapedescapedkidnapedMeaning: [reɪp]  adj. having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence. 
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61. The stepdaughter, now 21, bore him a child at 16 as a result of being raped.
62. Without women men revert to animals, without men women could heal and restore to harmony a world raped and ravaged.
63. Later I would run breathless from the bus stop, expecting to be murdered, beaten, raped.
64. For all her bravery and determination, she is not over the emotional trauma of being raped.
65. Kerns is Sara Rayner, whose orderly little life comes apart when she is attacked and raped by a homicidal maniac.
66. In this film an 11-year-old girl has been brutally raped and murdered.
67. Despite their spartan, isolated lifestyle, there are no stories of women being raped or wanton violence against civilians.
68. Women are routinely raped by bandits and border guards, they say.
69. They've re-opened an incident room they set up in November when a fourteen year old girl was raped.
70. Collins says she was drugged and then raped on their first date.
71. The woman was raped and then murdered by her kidnapper.
72. A woman has been attacked and raped by two men as she walked home from a pub.
73. Police believe the two friends were attacked while sunbathing and raped and murdered before being dumped in the sea.
74. He took her to a Forest Hill bedsit where he repeatedly raped her before releasing her.
75. In low tones, she told me that she, too, had been raped.
76. But Manu does not seem to care about being raped, and puts up no resistance.
77. Would he change his mind, Shaw asked, if some one raped and killed his wife, Kitty?
78. Raina, who is still missing, was reportedly drugged with methamphetamines and raped March 13.
79. In July, three women testified that they were raped and beaten by Bokin.
80. She said the driver had stopped at an intersection, got into the back seat with her and assaulted and raped her.
81. In the first the press is expressly refused permission to print the name of the raped woman.
82. Thinking I was going to be pulled into some thicket and raped and murdered.
83. More people than ever are leaving New York before they get killed(, raped or mugged.
84. An eighteen-year-old female first-year student claimed she was raped during a fraternity party while at least five other men watched.
85. She wrote a long and moving letter, describing her terrifying experience of being raped whilst on holiday with two friends.
86. Her face contorted with disgust, decades after the attack, remembering the old white man who raped her.
87. Women were raped by their countrymen as well as by United Nations soldiers who were supposed to protect them.
88. The man dragged her into the van and raped her.
89. There she was raped and threatened with female circumcision.
90. Women do quite commonly fantasise being raped.
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