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Radioelement in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2024-06-01Updated:2024-06-01
Similar words: radiating elementmicroelementelementelementsparent elementsubelementor elementelemental
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1. Natural radioelement stored in the earth all material, including rocks, water, soil, flora and fauna, human itself.
2. Radioelement the stones, ceramics products and relax Housing necessary Jacques edge panels on the body sound, and so on.
3. Radioelement existing in domestic coal beds is discharged into atmosphere, solid and water environment via medium of smoke coal ash and slag etc.
3. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
4. The radioelement content of certain material is higher, when its intensity and radiation dosage exceed certain limit, can cause a harm to human body.
5. What is radioactive?In the natural world, where the atomic nucleus unstable, can spontaneously emit radiation, some time into other elements atomic nucleus elements called radioelement .
6. My Marie Curie (1867-1934) French nationality Polish scientists to study the phenomenon of radioactive found radium and polonium two radioelement, twice the life of Nobel Prize.
7. In term of it being the facts that the quantity of domestic coal consumption not only belonging to a vast quantity but also increasing day by day, it was claimed that the impact of radioelement t...
8. Experts noted that the current urban living environment is the main source of radioactive hazards of indoor radon and radioelement content standard building materials.
9. If granite, brick sand, cement and gypsum type, especially with radioelement natural stones, Yi release radon.
10. Generally, indoor radon is the main source of construction materials, such as granite, tile and plaster, particularly the stones containing radioelement Yi release radon.
11. Since the formation of these materials in different conditions, the existence of more or less radioelement , such as thorium, radium and potassium.
12. Radium, atomic number 88, atomic weight 2260254, is a natural radioelement , elements were derived from Latin, is intended to "ray."
13. Main types of indoor air pollution for formaldehyde, benzene caused by chemical pollution, biological pollution caused by bacteria and viruses radioelement and dust caused by the physical pollution.
14. Indoor environment for thousands of varieties of hazardous substances, the most important are : radon, radioelement , formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, PVC, nitrogen oxides and carbon oxides.
More similar words: radiating elementmicroelementelementelementsparent elementsubelementor elementelementalAND elementidentity elementelementarybase elementcode elementlist elementonly elementdata elementelement sizetrace elementmultielementelementarilydelay elementimage elementarray elementlogic elementfinite elementactive elementmemory elementgentlemen's agreementpassive elementmachine element
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