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Racial discrimination in a sentence

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Sentence count:65+6Posted:2017-04-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: discriminationprice discriminationdiscriminatingdiscriminatediscriminatoryindiscriminateindiscriminatelyrecriminationMeaning: n. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race. 
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31. We will eliminate racial discrimination in housing allocation and improve safety on estates.
32. This comment depends upon having some rough idea what would count as racial discrimination.
33. The Court chose not to face head-on the problem of state trespass statutes which conflicted with constitutional prohibitions against racial discrimination.
34. Such racial discrimination was also apparent at all stations in the Southern States of the United States.
35. Do the people of Alabama disagree about the morality of racial discrimination?
36. It also found that he was the subject of racial discrimination by the police force during its investigation of him.
37. Often, boycotts have been instigated by domestic issues such as gay rights, racial discrimination and labor disputes.
38. Brown demonstrated that courageous leadership can make a difference in ending racial discrimination, perhaps more so than bureaucratic bean-counting exercises.
39. Business is booming for an Avis franchisee in the Carolinas despite well-publicized allegations of racial discrimination against customers.
40. Co. have sued the securities firm for alleged racial discrimination over an electronic mailing they said contained racist jokes.
41. It was charged with finding and ending racial discrimination in war industries under government contract.
42. This may be seen as the obverse of racial discrimination; but an equal opportunities argument is not merely that.
43. Socioeconomic differences themselves often resulted from racial discrimination(, especially in employment and housing.
44. Under existing law only victims of racial discrimination were eligible for such damages.
45. New Hanover executives have denied requests for comment on the charges of racial discrimination.
46. As much as any municipality in the United States, Richmond knows what racial discrimination is.
47. The philosophy of Americanism was being redefined. Political repression and racial discrimination were at a high point.
48. Another proposal was that an independent commission would be set up to examine the question of racial discrimination.
49. Considerable ingenuity may be required to discover non-racial criteria for racial discrimination and non-racial reasons for criticizing other races.
50. Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination.
51. Racial discrimination is frequently seen in America's judicature.
52. To hell with racial discrimination.
53. He went on record as opposing racial discrimination.
54. Three civil rights activists found dead.Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) dedicated to non-violent direct action against racial discrimination.
55. In the last half - century,[sentence dictionary] white racism Racial Discrimination Act promulgated by the authorities asas 100.
56. We would make all people have an realization that a person have racial discrimination is the best one of being ill-bred.
57. The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination.
58. In a partial climbdown, the European Commission said it would not sue France for racial discrimination over its expulsion of Romanies.
59. The Bill of Rights, which binds the Government and public authority, prohibits acts of racial discrimination.
60. At one extreme are Hawii and Brazil, where racial intermixture is extensive and continuing, and where racial discrimination is relatively minor.
More similar words: discriminationprice discriminationdiscriminatingdiscriminatediscriminatoryindiscriminateindiscriminatelyrecriminationself-incriminationincriminatingeliminationincriminatecriminalruminationdominationnominationabominationterminationexaminationculminationdenominationilluminationilluminationscontaminationexterminationdeterminationdisinclinationnondenominationalmultinational corporationdiscretion
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