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Public notices in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2024-07-08Updated:2024-07-08
Similar words: publicnesspublic networkpublic nuditypublic nuisancepublic eyepublic officepublic enemypublic choice
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(1) A public notice about the planned development was pinned to the wall.
(2) He first came to public notice in 1825.
(3) These provide, amongst other things, for public notice in the press of the detailed contents of the Bill.
(4) Although she had enjoyed glowing public notices as the first female three-star general, Kennedy has her critics inside the Pentagon.
(5) The disease first came to international public notice in the 1860s, when leprosy was reported to be spreading in Hawaii.
(6) In 1905 he published Studies in Colonial Nationalism, the book which brought him into public notice.
(7) The Imperial Conference received much public notice, but the other books did not.
(8) Nevertheless[ ], many traders will choose to avail themselves of public notice.
(9) Public notices and Information about real-name ticketing can be seen easily in the ticket hall of Hefei Railway Station. Most passengers are aware of the new policy.
(10) Public notices are important means and channels for governmental institutions as well as non-governmental institutions to speak to the public.
(11) Government documents and public notices are translated into Chinese and English.
(12) Public notices to "Drive with Courtesy and Arrive Safely" send a blessing and a safety reminder to all drivers in the district.
(13) My conclusions are these: Wick Communications is going to keep the public notices contract for at least another year.
(14) To understand general English conversation or discussion and read public notices, posters, official correspondences as well as ordinary newspaper articles and books.
(15) From now on we should keep attention focused on the five points of this programme and popularize them through public notices, manifestoes, leaflets, articles, speeches, statements, and so on.
(16) The results of the research show that functional theories can be used in the study of the languages of public notices and, to certain extend, in explaining related translation strategies.
(17) The verbBrequestbis mainly used in formal speech and writing, often in public notices and commonly in the passive form.
(18) Written authentic materials can range from magazine articles to public notices to junk mail.
(19) The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall, on the basis of the findings, submit investigation reports or make determinations and give public notices.
More similar words: publicnesspublic networkpublic nuditypublic nuisancepublic eyepublic officepublic enemypublic choicepublic officerpublic expensepublic servicein the public eyepublic exchangepublic exposurepublic enterprisepublic policypublicgerman democratic republicpublicannonpublicpubliclyin publicrepublicpublicallypublic lawpublicitypublicistpublicizepublicisepublic aid
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