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Podium in a sentence

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Sentence count:112+1Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ambodaispulpitrostrumsoapboxstumpSimilar words: odiumsodiumtediummediumstadiumcompendiumtripodhexapodMeaning: ['pəʊdɪə]  n. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it. 
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(31) This time, Buchanan is not expected to get near the podium.
(32) The delegates gave her a standing ovation as she walked back to the podium.
(33) Up on the stage, Lester Stoner stood at the podium reading his valedictory address.
(34) He uses his podium in life quite well, it seems to me.
(35) Still, the irony of the moment was hardly lost on the man at the podium.
(36) He insisted that the rebels should be allowed to address both houses from the congressional podium.
(37) Gary Sheffield and Charles Johnson were leading a line of dancing players upon the podium.
(38) Only one representative came to the podium to protest against the dilution of free-market principles.
(39) The podium guest is a familiar figure, Libor Pesek, who bowed in the hall in 1992 and returned last season.
(40) The podium could be mounted by two sets of steps[Sentencedict], one on either side of the platform.
(41) Since there is only one opening the base has a simple podium on each side instead of a series of pedestals.
(42) My stomach sinks and I head up toward the podium.
(43) But just when he looked in contention for a possible podium finish.he high-sided in the wet conditions.
(44) She was, at this moment, like a slave on a podium waiting for the bid.
(45) Taking the podium, Baker said fast-track trade authority, sought by the Clinton administration, should be approved by Congress.
(46) Podium speeches will be limited to 10 minutes and be supplemented by video hookups with speakers and scenes from across the country.
(47) Stafford strode to the podium, adjusted the height of the microphone and commenced his talk.
(48) She sat with us on the podium and the chairman delivered her annual report.
(49) Klepner's big moment had arrived and the ex-Harvard Business School man strode confidently to the podium.
(50) He was up on the podium, still a bit pale and puffy, but recovering gamely from her suicide.
(51) Four photographers scampered round the podium, halting to squint through their viewfinders and freeze the scene with their flashlights.
(52) In one televised ceremony Elian smiled at Fidel, and Fidel smiled back from the podium, a huge grin.
(53) And vice versa all those prepared speeches that look good on paper-they never sound right when read from a podium.
(54) The presenters strut their stuff behind a podium instead of on a runway.
(55) Then I turned the podium over to Brian and sat down.
(56) He has seated the violas to the right of the podium, with the cellos facing the conductor.
(57) I would have liked to creep to the edge of the podium and disappear.
(58) At news conferences in each town, he dutifully steps to the podium and extols the virtues of such a noteworthy matchup.
(59) The uniforms were greeted with applause as nine models, including three blacks, marched along the podium.
(60) Ed. crowd settled down as well when MacFarland took the podium.
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