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Owe in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+29Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: paySimilar words: powercowercowedbowertowelshowertowerlowerMeaning: [əʊ]  v. 1. be obliged to pay or repay 2. be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense 3. be in debt. 
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151. I guess I owe her an apology.
152. We owe a lot of money to the bank.
153. Fiduciaries would also owe similar obligations.
154. Some of the wildlife of the water-mill may owe its existence to a rather more conscious decision on the part of some long-dead miller.
155. We get a lot better response from people who owe us money by signing our collection letter with the name Victor Sparducci.
156. Call the phone number on the correspondence and explain clearly why you do not owe the tax.
157. I didn't understand what she meant about sometimes you owe more to strangers, but I do now.
158. Then I could arrange a loan for what I owe him and slide on to the reclining dental chair.
159. Consequently, the former could not owe their form to the latter(, and so magical correspondences between them were eliminated.
160. Here's the twenty dollars I owe you, minus seven dollars for the movie.
161. A formal tank would perhaps owe as much to landscape gardening as to an idealised stream bed.
162. Sadly, Jimmy died in 1989, but all of the achievements owe much to this dear, departed, friend.
163. I owe him a favour, so I couldn't say no.
164. My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. George Washington 
165. I owe my parents a lot for everything they've done for me.
166. There are other conceptions of consciousness which also owe their existence to the pursuit of certain virtues.
167. The accused has not appropriated a thing in action, because the bank did not owe the money to anyone.
168. Consequently they ought to owe the same duties as traditional insiders.
169. These are protein molecules, which owe their specificity to their amino acid sequence,(Sentencedict) and hence ultimately to the genes.
170. Teamwork and unselfish dedication owe more to oriental culture than to any particular management technique.
171. Remember - one day you may owe your life to a blood transfusion.
172. Although his stories are actually more historical adventure than romance, later romance authors owe him a great debt.
173. I owe it all to you. You were the only one who believed in me.
174. In fact, however, we now owe you money, since you were effectively acting as a salesman!
175. Today, the better view would appear to be that directors owe shareholders fiduciary duties in special circumstances.
176. And there were other occasions for which I owe them gratitude.
177. You owe him an apology for misjudging him and suspecting his motives at every turn.
178. These paintings owe as much to the pictorial conventions of mass-media imagery as they do to those of fine art.
179. We all owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we wish him well.
180. Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
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