Synonym: order, ordering, ordinance. Similar words: subordination, coordination, foreordination, insubordination, ordinate, inordinate, coordinate, co-ordinate. Meaning: n. 1. the status of being ordained to a sacred office 2. logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements 3. the act of ordaining; the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders.
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1. For him the Church's decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw.
2. Ordination doesn't make you a saint.
3. Gave it up for ordination training at Salisbury.
4. He wondered whether, before ordination, he should stay at Cambridge a little longer to do more advanced work.
5. The ceremonies for the ordination of priests or the consecration of altars took seven days.
6. He had terrifyingly conservative views on the ordination of women.
7. That episcopal ordination made one a member of the episcopal college was accepted in principle by the second session.
8. His early posts after ordination ran through his head like the pages of a well-thumbed Bible.
9. The Celtic Church, for example, had its own ordination rite for priests, and this differed markedly from Rome's.
10. The ordination of women would certainly alleviate shortages of staff.
11. After Ordination Colleges and courses can offer relatively limited training for the ordained ministry.
12. In 1605, five years after ordination, he borrowed a horse, sold it and disappeared for two years.
13. The ordination of women and treatment of homosexual clergy - both sensitive issues - may well cause rifts.
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14. A decision on the ordination of women priests will be taken by the General Synod in November.
15. Bernard Woods at the conclusion of the concelebrated Mass to mark the silver jubilee of his ordination.
16. The man showed his gratitude by recommending him to the Bishop for ordination.
17. In October he passed the first part of the examination for ordination, and afterwards could not understand how he passed.
18. The Diocese of Chester could have as many as 27 women priests within two years if ordination of women gets the go-ahead.
19. However, soon after graduating at Oxford[], Hunt had achieved a long-held aspiration upon his ordination at Winchester in 1878.
20. Bishop John Oliver is a leading member of the campaign for women's ordination.
21. People tend to become emotional when the subject of the ordination of women is raised.
22. Some Presbyterian conservatives blame the losses on indecision over homosexual ordination.
23. Men as well as women are now realizing that the issue of the ordination of women to the priesthood is a gospel issue.
24. The following Sundays, for example Trinity Sunday, are the days specially fixed for the ordination of the clergy.
25. This was the moment he had been waiting for since his ordination.
26. The Church of England finally agreed to accept the ordination of women priests.
27. It has been greatly influenced by the tangled confusion into which the Anglican Communion has stumbled over the ordination of women.
28. It is often suggested that the issue of the ordination of women is a major obstacle to progress.
29. Here is the central issue in the debate over the ordination of women.
30. There were no official mediators, licensed by an ecclesiastical hierarchy or set apart by apostolic ordination.
More similar words: subordination, coordination, foreordination, insubordination, ordinate, inordinate, coordinate, co-ordinate, subordinate, coordinates, coordinator, inordinately, X-coordinate, coordinated, insubordinate, multinational corporation, ratiocination, ordinary, ruination, ordinance, nomination, inclination, divination, combination, rumination, domination, ordinarily, declination, germination, termination.