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Olive in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+8Posted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: European olive treeOlea europaeaSimilar words: oliver cromwelloliver wendell holmesbolivarlivelivesliveralivesimon bolivarMeaning: ['ɑlɪv /'ɒl-]  n. 1. small ovoid fruit of the European olive tree; important food and source of oil 2. evergreen tree cultivated in the Mediterranean region since antiquity and now elsewhere; has edible shiny black fruits 3. hard yellow often variegated wood of an olive tree; used in cabinetwork 4. one-seeded fruit of the European olive tree usually pickled and used as a relish 5. a yellow-green color of low brightness and saturation. adj. of a yellow-green color similar to that of an unripe olive. 
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151. Azalea Concealed within this attractive storage jar is a litre of the finest extra virgin olive oil from Chianti.
152. But far more important than the olive branch the President waved was the sword he flourished.
153. Butter mountains loom above lakes of olive oil. Milk quotas have been introduced to limit the output of over-productive herds.
154. Heat the butter and the olive oil together in a large heavy saucepan or casserole dish, until the butter has melted.
155. In the same pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
156. Her skin complemented her hair; she had an olive complexion which shone like burnished gold.
157. If the mixture seems too dry, add a little more olive oil and lemon juice.
158. Situated on the eastern shore of the lake with a backdrop of terraced vineyards, olive groves and cypress trees.
159. Add the wine and lemon peel to the olive oil and simmer for 2 minutes.
160. Cut the tomatoes in half and then make faces on them with pieces of cheese, olive or egg.
161. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are about half the price you pay in Britain.
162. Carefully stir the taco sauce, salt and pepper, oregano and olive oil into the fish.
163. I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it. Rodney Dangerfield 
164. She had a long oval face and an olive complexion.
165. Brush aubergines with half a tablespoon of the olive oil and place on an oiled baking sheet.
166. Vegetarians therefore may include a little oil in their cooking,( and extra virgin olive oil is the best choice.
167. The sooty eyes, the olive skin, the coarse black mop of the moustache gave little clue as to his origins.
168. Salads with mixed greens and top quality olive oil or walnut oil can also be greatly enhanced by confit.
169. The rosebud mouth was painted a glowing coral pink, an exotic contrast with her creamy olive skin, liquid dark eyes.
170. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and when it is hot, add sliced onions.
171. Mix the lemon juice with the sherry vinegar and olive oil and season well.
172. Base colour in juvenile is olive green along the back, fading into brick-red flanks with a pale beige belly.
173. Her eyes were dark and luminous and her faintly olive skin normally carried a dusting of colour, high on her cheekbones.
174. Whisk in olive oil to taste and season with salt.
175. Add the butter or olive oil and a little more water if necessary to thin the mixture to desired thickness.
176. Darden executives also know they are operating in a tougher environment than when they introduced Olive Garden.
177. They gave every athlete an olive branch as a symbol of peace.
178. It is receiving its first coat of Olive Green paint and stands where no steam locomotive has stood for over 25 years.
179. Black olives, being fully ripened, are naturally sweeter and are usually sold preserved in brine or olive oil.
180. Chop garlic and onions; thinly slice carrots. Pour 3 tablespoons olive oil into a large skillet.
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