Similar words: if, off, oh, ok, on, or, CH, Co.. Meaning: [ɒv; (ə)v] prep.1. (used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc.): within a mile of the church; south of Omaha; to be robbed of one's money. 2. (used to indicate derivation, origin, or source): a man of good family; the plays of Shakespeare; a piece of cake. 3. (used to indicate cause, motive, occasion, or reason): to die of hunger. 4. (used to indicate material, component parts, substance, or contents): a dress of silk; an apartment of three rooms; a book of poems; a package of cheese. 5. (used to indicate apposition or identity): Is that idiot of a salesman calling again? 6. (used to indicate specific identity or a particular item within a category): the city of Chicago; thoughts of love. 7. (used to indicate possession, connection, or association): the king of France; the property of the church. 8. (used to indicate inclusion in a number, class, or whole): one of us. 9. (used to indicate the objective relation, the object of the action noted by the preceding noun or the application of a verb or adjective): the ringing of bells; He writes her of home; I'm tired of working. 10. (used to indicate reference or respect): There is talk of peace. 11. (used to indicate qualities or attributes): an ambassador of remarkable tact. 12. (used to indicate a specified time): They arrived of an evening. 13. Chiefly Northern U.S. before the hour of; until: twenty minutes of five. 14. on the part of: It was very mean of you to laugh at me. 15. in respect to: fleet of foot. 16. set aside for or devoted to: a minute of prayer. 17. Archaic. by: consumed of worms..
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243. Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words.
247. If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some, for the that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing.
248. Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace.
249. We are like wheat, here on earth to ripen. We ripen intellectually by letting in as much of the universe's complexity as we can. Morally we ripen by making our choices. And we ripen spiritually by openig our eyes to Creation's endless detail.
252. Pubic officers are the servats and agents of the people, to execute the laws which the people have made.
252. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
256. Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.
260. Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey.
262. Money is a singular thing, It ranks with love as man's greatest source of joy. And with death as his greatest source of anxiety.
263. If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion---- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free.
264. The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for error, and those of the poor and lowly[], for crimes.