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Nm in a sentence

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Sentence count:87Posted:2018-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. 1. a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter 2. a state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border. 
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61. Imprint lithography is a low - cost high - efficiency patterning technique - 100 nm resolution.
62. The sarcolemma, about 7.5 nm thick , is a unit - membrane like that investing other cells.
63. Pure unconstraint moments of 7.5 Nm in all anatomic planes with and without an axial preload of 500 N were applied to the upper vertebral body.
64. VilLA NM is a single family summerhouse situated on a plot with panoramic views of forests and meadows.
65. The size of as prepared polymeric micelles is about 50 nm, based on our DLS characterizations.
66. The measurements of third - order hyperpolarizabilities were performed using Z - scan technique picosecond laser pulses at 1064 nm.
67. Methods. Using alcohol as solvent, the absorbance were determined at wavelength at 264± nm, drew the standard curves.
68. Syndesmosis width significantly increased when the screw was inserted in dorsiflexion for 5 Nm of torque.
69. Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and pathological features nemaline myopathy ( NM ) .
70. Pumping by Xe flashlamp, the glasses emitted 1540 nm laser successfully.
71. So we concluded that in NM whose T cells were deficient splenic NK cells were important immunocompetent cells for resisting the growth of transplanted NPC.
72. The participants were 13 undergraduate or graduate students who were each exposed to three conditions sedative music (SM), excitative music (EM),[] and no music (NM) on different days.
73. Objective To investigate the prophylactic effects of asiaticoside ointment on skin the 320 nm UVB radiation.
74. Moreover, the presence of Ce ~ ( 3 + ) impurity causes the absorption band at 306 nm.
75. The molar absorbance at 350 nm increases if the aldehyde contains a double bond.
76. An LD - end - pumped Nd : YVO _ 4 crystal 593 nm yellow laser by intracavity sum - frequency mixing ( SFM ) is reported.
77. Plasma - induced damage on 90 nm Cu dual Damascene technology devices is investigated.
78. However, as the design rule continuously shrank down beyond the 45 nm , conventional planar CMOS devices encounter significant challenges.
79. We produce all kinds of woolen yarn such as cashmere , wool angora blended , 8 NM ~28 NM.
80. Methods: Absolute alcohol was used as dissolvent and determined at wavelength 242 nm, 305 nm.
81. Au particle of the size in the range of 10—189 nm has been prepared by sodium citrate procedure. The resonance scattering spectra of Au particle have been studied.
82. When the thickness was coordinated to 65 nm, we got the white devices with CIE coordinated at ( 0.33,0.33 ).
83. The rates of sensitivity to aminopenicillin ( AMP ) , chloramphenicol ( CMP ) , kanamycin ( KM ) , complex sulfamethoxazole - trimethoprim ( COS ) , gentamicin ( GN ) , neomycin ( NM ), tobramycin ( TOB ) , amikacin ( AKN ) and norfloxacin ( NOR ) were high, ...
84. In this paper, the mechanism of action of excimer laser ( AeF: 193 nm .8 ns ) and the photoablation model on cornea are analysed.
85. For each symbol that the nm command lists, the symbol's value in hexadecimal (by default) and the symbol type with a coded character precede the symbol.
86. Measure of a paper's reflectance with a light of wavelength 457 nm.
87. In the car peak torque is limited electronically to 1,100 Nm.
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