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Nm in a sentence

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Sentence count:87Posted:2018-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. 1. a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter 2. a state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border. 
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31. Using the 193 nm scanner and advanced etch tool Lam 2300 depth uniformity can be well controlled.
32. Using FEM, Dynamic characteristic on the block of model K 5206 NM compressor is analyzed.
33. Objective To evaluate the immunogenicity, safety and stability of the prepared conjugate ACPS - BOMPC of Neisseria meningitidis ( Nm ).
34. The recognized limit for international waters from a country's coast is 12 NM.
35. At the sub 90 nm technology node, the gate oxide thickness is expected to be 12 - 15 Angstrom.
36. The maximal emission wavelength changes into 400 nm. Further analysis demonstrated that the above changes arise from the variation of protonation states of OFL molecule.
37. Both NDM ( Network Device Management ) and NSM ( Network Security Management ) are the struts of NM ( Network Management ) technology.
38. And the resonance absorption band from 460 nm to 600 nm becomes weak, too.
39. A new silver colloid with diameter of about 17 nm were prepared by a simple chemical reaction.
40. The phototactic response of adults of Heliothis armigera (Hubner) and Helio-this assulta Guenee to 13 monochromatic lights in the range from 333 nm to 656 nm is very similar.
41. In the present embodiment, the interelectrode insulating film 8 is formed of a silicon oxide film or a silicon nitride film having a thickness of 400 nm or below.
42. The 1450 - nm diode laser for facial inflammatory acne vulgaris: Dose - response and 12 - month follow - up study.
43. The transmittance of the YSO H _ 2 - annealed obviously decreases after radiation in the 200 - 500 nm spectral ranges.
44. Use the nm subcommand to get the address of the symbol and Table Of Contents (TOC) section of the executable module that contains symbols.
45. Ultra bright emitter. Fiber optics. Bar code scanning. Water clear. Peak emission wavelength 660 nm.
46. ... kanamycin ( KM ) , complex sulfamethoxazole - trimethoprim ( COS ) , gentamicin ( GN ) , neomycin ( NM ), tobramycin ( TOB ) , amikacin ( AKN ) and norfloxacin ( NOR ) were high, between 84.4 % and 95. ...
47. Conclusion Tunable pulsed overtone Nd : YAG 532 nm laser was efficency to skin vascular lesions.
48. RX300 is powered by a 3-liter V6 engine that produces 201 brake horsepower and 283 Nm of peak torque.
49. As to the emission at 370 nm, It'should result from exciton recombination radiation.
50. After ethanol precipitation,[] OPC was separated by ethyl acetate-ligroin system. Content of OPC was determined by normal butyl alcohol-hydrochloric acid method at 546 nm to be over 90%.
51. In order to achieve flat multi-wavelength output, a long-period fiber grating with loss peak at 1530 nm is used to obtain flat gain spectrum.
52. A high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) method using diode array detector(222 nm) for determination of sevin insecticides in swine, goat and chicken liver has been developed.
53. The whole HBV particle is Dane particle, and it is a 42 nm global particle.
54. The laser that compares two kinds of different wavelengh denudes system, medium holds back discharge fractional to the element of laser of 213 Nm solid effect improves function apparent.
55. At 20 HKT, SINLAKU was centred about 330 km (180 NM) WNW of Okinawa.
56. The idocrase jade can be easily identified from jadeite jade and hydrogrossular by its higher refractive index, texture and 465 nm absorption spectrum.
57. First, two non-complementary strands of phosphate backbone modified oligonucleotides (PM oligo-DNA) were loaded on the surface of the 15 and 25 nm Au nanoparticles, respectively.
58. Objective: Determined the expression condition of protein A in R 25 and NM 105.
59. The granular carbon carrier for catalyst through the said modifying process can reduce the diameter of the supported noble metal grains from 4.8 nm to 2.5 nm and raise the catalyst activity greatly.
60. The content of polysaccharide in Pleurotus Nebrodensis was determined by phenol - sulfuric acid spectrophotometry at 485 nm.
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