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Nm in a sentence

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Sentence count:87Posted:2018-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. 1. a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter 2. a state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border. 
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1. NM nano super flexible waterproofing paint manufacturing and marketing.
2. One NM is one - 1 billionth meter.
3. The detector FPD Was equipped with 526 nm filter.
4. The torque increases to incredible 860 Nm at 2000 rpm.
5. Free running emerald laser pumped by 660 nm laser diode ( LD ) was reported.
6. Absolute frequency stabilization of diode lasers of wavelength nm grade are reported using the modulation transfer method.
7. Thin, tangled fibers, about 3 to 5 nm in diameter, traverse the clear nuclear area.
8. So we can conclude that p 16 and nm 23 are useful in evaluating prognosis of ampullary carcinoma.
9. Following nondestructive testing, specimens were fixed at the cephalad aspect of the construct and flexed to failure, with peak failure moment (Nm).
10. Average diameterof the colloidal gold was 10.7 nm and coefficient variation ( CV ) wasl 4.2 %.
11. Intel continues to use 193 - nm dry lithography at 45 nm.
12. The maximum RLS peaks are at 518 nm ( SDS ) and 373 nm ( SDBS ) .
13. Results The spheroidal colloid gold particles of 20 nm showed bright red in color.
14. A class of pseudo logical algebras - pseudo NM algebras are proposed their properties are investigated in detail.
15. The NM 283 preclinical study was conducted in a primate model with human - derived chronic HCV infection.
16. This system has superior performance in image quality, space resolution , ?m and nm Cathodoluminescence image and spectrum analysis of semiconductor materials.
17. The maximum absorption of ASC and PSC were 233 nm on ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
18. Following a 64 days navigation journey from DCNS facilities in Toulon, the submarine sailed 7283 nm with stops in Alexandria (Egypt), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Salalah (Oman) and Cochin (India).
19. The SRAM cell illustrated Kuhn's point as she showed the evolution from 90 - nm to 45 - nm design.
20. The capsule is ellipsoidal or ovoid in shape, with the size of about 156~194×250~325 nm.
21. Annealing with the heating rate IV and V, the SPCC has small equated grains and lower nm, rm value, so it can only be used as a CQ level sheet steel.
22. Th technological standards utilized with the production of graphic processor 80- nm are general for all new product.
23. This paper reports a single-step synthesis of monodisperse magnetite nanoparticles with particle size of 8 nm.
24. TEM observation showed that the center of the adiabatic shear band (ASB) was composed of recrystallized nano-grains ( about 30-70 nm in diameter).
25. In the experiments, excited by a laser of 532 nm, the chemically enhanced bacteriorhodopsin"s state conversions are researched at real-time by using the method of different absorption spectrum."
26. The computer terminal emulation technology enhances network management ability and expands the scope of NM.
27. The stable output from the multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser is realized. Simultaneous multi-wavelength lasing is observed with 0.45 nm intervals defined by the reflective comb-like filter.
28. Trace lead in unleaded gasoline was determined by measuring its PAR complex at 490 nm.
29. Experiments proved that the heat transfer efficiency of the louvered fin with nm hydrophilic film is 100% higher than the conventional straight fin.
30. The model and the specimens were loaded with pure unconstrained moments of 7.5 Nm in flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation.
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