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Nick in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+9Posted:2017-05-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cutdashindentationnotchSimilar words: nickelpanickyfinickysnickerpanickednicknamepernicketyknickknackMeaning: [nɪk]  n. 1. an impression in a surface (as made by a blow) 2. (British slang) a prison 3. a small cut. v. 1. cut slightly, with a razor 2. cut a nick into 3. divide or reset the tail muscles of 4. mate successfully; of livestock. 
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241. Magistrates at Saxmundham ordered Nick to pay the debt with £12 costs.
242. Nick combed her hair and tied the ribbon himself, badly, too loosely.
243. Nick was usually so keen to see her she had to fend him off.
244. I didn't want the weekend to finish, and I could sense that Nick felt the same way.
245. Nick tossed three bags of gold through the kitchen window, and the three daughters married Soon after.
246. Nick Ellis, London Does the human race have a future longer than its past?
247. She had not looked up when Nick came into the garden.
248. Nick Logan is a strange, reclusive figure rarely seen outside Wanstead, unless accompanied by Ronnie Biggs' biographer. 8.
249. Oh, Nick! How generous I have been with my genius.
250. Hewlett-Packard Moscow head of representation Nick Rossiter says the contract is fully paid for and took 18 months to negotiate.
251. Nick sounds like a nice guy. Will we get to meet him soon?
252. But Agriculture Minister Nick Brown stressed he does not blame the store chains.
253. I caddied on a temporary basis for Nick in Los Angeles and in Kapalua.
254. Not many people know that Nick Faldo fancies himself as a comedian and a practical joker.
255. Sally was only 14, but Nick no longer knew how to handle his strong-willed young daughter.
256. Tom Nick just came first in his class which is very good.
257. But you just watch Nick Faldo play a round of golf in a Major, no-one does it better.
258. Nick was a pain in the neck. He did nothing but whinge the whole trip.
259. Nick Kollerstrom's book will not help in the campaign to recognise and reduce the hazard from lead in our environment.
260. " You take Nick and Jordan.
261. She was saved in the nick of time.
262. Nick, on the sofa(sentence dictionary), hardly slept.
263. Nick glanced around at the haggard faces watching him.
264. Nick hollered for her to pick up her orders.
265. Today, we continue to use Saint Nicholas ( or Saint Nick ) as a pseudonym for Santa Claus.
266. A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood.
267. NICK AND MARY Ann decided the shop needed a face-lift.
268. My contact in the club will let Nick and l in through the side door, here.
269. I caught the baby in the nick of time before he fell down the stairs.
270. NICK: Surface discontinuity, a depression or dent caused by impact.
More similar words: nickelpanickyfinickysnickerpanickednicknamepernicketyknickknackknick-knackpersnicketyin the nick of timeknickerbockersnicepunicsonicnicherunicpaniccynictunicticksickkicklickwickdickpickbionicsceniciconic
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