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New in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+59Posted:2016-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: firsthandfreshmodernoriginalrecentunusedyoungAntonym: oldSimilar words: fewJewnewsnowsec.vegbebegMeaning: [nuː /njuː]  adj. 1. not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered 2. other than the former one(s); different 3. having no previous example or precedent or parallel 4. original and of a kind not seen before 5. lacking training or experience 6. (of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new 7. unfamiliar 8. (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity 9. unaffected by use or exposure 10. in use after medieval times 11. used of a living language; being the current stage in its development. adv. very recently. 
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91, A new deputy has not yet been appointed.
92, She finally arrived in New York.
93, Schools must meet the challenge of new technology .
94, Have you read her new novel?
95, Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.
96, She seems reasonably happy in her new job.
97, She showed us her new home with great pride.
98, This is the model of the proposed new airport.
99, A new man was appointed to handle the crisis.
100, We got a new table for the dining room.
101, We need to start a new jar of coffee.
101, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
102, The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.
103, The company is moving to new premises next month.
104, Some new books have been delivered to the school.
105, She has direct responsibility for all new trainees.
106, She bought a new pair of tights.
107, He is working on a new novel.
108, He bought a new mathematical textbook.
109, He is diverging into a new subject.
110, The new system expanded the role of family doctors.
111, Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
112, Have you heard their new record? It's really funky.
113, We're considering buying a new car.
114, Off she posted to New York.
115, Resources are being redirected to this important new project.
116, They launched a new passenger liner.
117, What do they call that new fabric?
118, I bought some new clothes for the trip.
119, I'm thinking of applying for a new job.
120, How's your new job?--I like it.
More similar words: fewJewnewsnowsec.vegbebegbetbowchewcowcrewfeegetheherheyhowiejawjetkneeknowlawletlowmeneatneck
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