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Make money in a sentence

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Sentence count:173+5Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: make mincemeat ofmake the most ofmake common cause withmake a mistakemoneyhot moneysoft moneymake
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61. "The only reason I make money is so I can give it away," Quigley is fond of saying.
62. The insurance companies are in business to make money, not waste it.
63. Or, more to the point, how they could live in peace and make money.
64. A Tory Transport Secretary pledging a national transport policy and oodles of public money for services that don't make money.
65. He realises that Access make money through usury, yet he felt that 25 percent a month was going the pace a bit.
66. This is not a way to make money; it is a way to save money.
67. Film companies also make money in ancillary sales of T-shirts, toys, and so on.
68. It does not matter whether the purpose is to educate or edify, to corrupt or simply to make money.
69. Juanita's plan is based on the proven formula of investing money to make money.
70. Peasants often have more practical experience than philosophers and are just as keen to make money out of their produce.
71. One way is to give away products or sell them for below cost and make money through advertising.
72. The plaintiffs contend he is worth $ 15. 7 million because he could trade on his fame to make money.
73. Owners' Network hopes to make money by selling advertising space on the Web pages.
74. Its business is not to right wrongs, but to make money.
75. Happily both are popular with tourists and still make money.
76. Innovative companies are willing to spend money to make money, but the information era will require a special brand of vision.
77. Read in studio Hard-hit farmers have discovered a new way to make money ... by turning their fields into racing circuits.
78. It seemed relatively easy to make money, and there was a lot of hype about going into business.
79. William's readiness to make money out of Yorick still seemed rather tasteless.
80. What they want to do is find a way to use the technology to make money, a prospect that remains unclear.
81. Direct debits or standing orders are liable to make money disappear from your account stealthily, which may be very confusing.
82. Those who fish for lobster dive longer and deeper,[] just to make money to buy more cocaine.
83. I have a drive to accomplish things and make money, be with people.
84. We have to keep the traditions alive, but we have to make money to survive in society.
85. The best way to make money is to be a!
86. They aren't doing this to make money, but to help the church.
87. Thirdly, the main decisions are taken by commercial interests which depend upon shareholders whose prime concern is to make money.
88. But they are not allowed to make money from their athletic ability or reputation.
89. Though the collapse of the junk-bond market cut business in 1990, both agencies make money.
90. The Bay Area is full of entrepreneurs hoping to make money on the Internet.
More similar words: make mincemeat ofmake the most ofmake common cause withmake a mistakemoneyhot moneysoft moneymakemakermake outmake upmake itmakeupremakemake formake waylemondemonmake use ofmake up forlawmakermake suremake goodmake-workmake overmake fun ofmakeshiftmake a facemake senseceremony
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