Similar words: glowering, towering, overpowering, power steering, answering, lower, flower, glower. Meaning: ['laʊərɪŋ] n. 1. the act of causing to become less 2. the act of causing something to move to a lower level. adj. darkened by clouds.
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61 Lowering the tender took care and patience if they wanted to keep it in one piece.
62 The causes she has espoused include lowering infant mortality and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
63 Mr Petty is hoping to gain market share by lowering prices on popular menu combinations under a new three-tiered pricing program.
64 As to the issue of future political fudging, the commission would require a supermajority to reverse any lowering of rates.
65 Albright will be lowering yet another barrier to the advancement of women in public life.
66 On this gloomy autumn day, there were gray and yellowish skies lowering over the rooftops of Warsaw.
67 The process involved lowering metal seat parts into the vat.
68 The changes included lowering taxes and giving extra help to the farming sector.
69 By the time John parked in Sloane Crescent the sun had vanished behind lowering cloud, and it was starting to rain.
70 To conservatives, it means abolishing the capital gains tax,[] lowering the top rate on millionaires.
71 Would you be better off lowering your prices and selling for cash only? 3.
72 The departure of the outspoken Blinder is viewed as a setback for those in favor of lowering interest rates.
73 This resulted in some success in lowering dolphin mortality, but it is still at least twice as high as during daylight hours.
74 Only if the lowering of production costs results in lower prices will there be any benefits to consumers.
75 The immune system is depressed during such reactions, lowering your ability to combat diseases.
76 The cooling fan blows air out of the system unit thus lowering the pressure inside.
77 The boiling point of a liquid can be reduced by lowering the external pressure.
78 Secondly the lowering of trans-ocean communications tariffs may make global data pipelines nearly as cheap to operate as national networks.
79 Lowering his eyes[], he stared in some bemusement at the men's over-large dungarees she was wearing.
80 This would have the two-fold effect of lowering pupil achievement as well as adversely affecting staff career prospects.
81 Our nation needs to take a pragmatic approach to lowering trade barriers.
82 During phosphorylation, the active-centre torsion-angle strain should facilitate the phosphotransfer reaction by lowering the activation-energy barrier.
83 However, it also questions the practicality of simultaneously lowering the consumption of natural resources and improving quality of life.
84 Tobacco industry Government policy also favours a progressive lowering of average yields of tar in all cigarettes.
85 Its drawbridge lowering, he would ride across it to a joyous welcome.
86 Lowering the cost, yes, but also lowering the barriers that made them hard to use.
87 The removal of these barriers would lead to a direct lowering of costs by reducing the price of imported goods and services.
88 There may be an attempt to increase profits by so lowering the price that no profits are possible.
89 Massey has also added an electronic device on its 6-cylinder tractors for automatically raising and lowering semi-mounted ploughs at the headland.
90 On July 20-21 the Congress approved the lowering of the maximum corporate tax from 50 percent on operating profits to 30 percent.
More similar words: glowering, towering, overpowering, power steering, answering, lower, flower, glower, slower, answering machine, lowered, flowery, flowers, flowered, deflower, follower, flowerbed, sunflower, wallflower, followers, lower court, flowerpot, wildflower, wild flower, flower girl, lower mantle, cauliflower, whistleblower, whistle blower, artificial flower.