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Lavender in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+5Posted:2017-06-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: lilaclilac-coloredSimilar words: vendettafenderlenderrendergendertendersenderslenderMeaning: ['lævəndə(r)]  n. any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers; widely cultivated. adj. of a pale purple color. 
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91 Nurturing hair oil : 5 drops rosemary, 2 drops lavender, 1 tbsp jojoba oil bottlenose.
92 Rose, Clary Sage, Lavender, Evening Primrose, Jojoba and so on .
93 Whitening essential oil Contain Lemon, Lavender, Rose, Sage, Patchouli and Geranium essential oils - Wheat germ oil.
94 Semidouble lavender - purple shaded. TL variegated medium green, plain. Semiminiature.
95 Lemon curd and lavender aromas, harmoniously integrate with oak hints of malt and nutmeg.
96 Wort Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate ( vit E ), Chamomile Extract & Lavender Extract.
97 Eye contour essential oil Contain Rose, Lavender, Fennel, Sandalwood andRosa essential oils - Hazelnut oil.
98 Yurigahara Park is famous of Lily. Besides lilies, there are also grape hyacinth, tulips, lilac, rose, lavender, iris and other flowers.
99 Pale ivory taupe with lavender shimmer that show up when the light hits it.
100 Our signature blend is an intoxicating combination of lavender, tangerine and cananga.
101 Herbal actives of Rosewood, Osmanthus, soothing Comfrey, Lavender and Chamomile help to gently preserve, lift and refine the eye tissue.
102 Almighty eye cream. Containing Sea Lavender, can quickly fade, remove eye lines, compact muscle skin. Rich in natural for.
103 Single medium lavender - blue, 3 - 7 per peduncle, hides under leaves, short - lived.
104 Occasionally, it may be deeply basophilic or een lavender in color as seen in this case.
105 They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throught the front lawn. Lavender, blue,( yellow and my favorite pink---little faces bobbing in the bitter wind.
106 Starting in 1829 he began collaborating on improved photographic processes with Louis Daguerre, and together they developed the physautotype, a process that used lavender oil.
107 Ingredients: Sea Salt, Jojoba ester, lavender essence, pigment , frankincense.
108 MitS:Order of the Stick! I will bathe in your blood with lavender bath gel and a good loofa.
109 Baking soda, citric acid, camellia oil, olive oil, shea butter , essential oils of michelia alba, lavender, rose geranium, palmarosa, organic rose petals.
110 Benefits: Contains lavender extract to soothe skin's discomfort. Helps lock in moisture, refresh and tranquilize skin, while relieving pouches, black circles, and eye swelling.
111 It has top notes of wet greens, geranium leaves, sicilian lemon, lavender and chocolate; a heart of honeysuckle, magnolia and muget, and a base of musk, vetiver, bois de cashmere, teakwood and amber.
112 The lavender had not yet bloomed, but roses were in flower; yellow genet flamed above the low stone hotel walls.
113 Ingredient: Acorus gramineus Soland, mint leaves, masson pine, lavender, wooden powder, bond etc.
114 Ingredient: Ylang ylang, Lavender, Clary Sage, Pelargonium, Morocco Rose, Avocado Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Sweet Almond Oil.
114 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115 Chamomile, lavender, sage, and lemon balm are all easily grown in your home garden or even in a few flower pots.
116 Camomile , Benzoin , Lavender, aloe oil and so on.
117 Contain lavender essential oil, minerals, herbal extracts and cleaning factor as well as aromatic bath salt.
118 Not so very long ago I was outside in the sunshine, inhaling the fragrance of rosemary and lavender, and picking a nosegay of penstemon and anemone.
119 She does not wear her new suit of clothes, it is laid up in lavender.
120 Lavender, jasmine, Bodhi Leaf, Rosemary , saffron , lemon balm leaf and thyme can relieve cholesterol and hypertension, improve blood circulation and ease tiredness.
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