Similar words: shocking, knock, knock out, knock off, knock down, hard knocks, licking, fucking. Meaning: [nɑk /nɒk] n. the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing).
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151. The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance.
152. The harnesses that supported the two Chelonians swung from side to side, knocking them against the sides of the tank.
153. And after knocking around for a decade he came to rest at his alma mater.
154. My knees were knocking and my lips quivering,( making it difficult to get round the words.
155. Here in Scituate, the storm caused minor damage, flooding streets and knocking down power lines.
156. She turned and ran, knocking into bystanders as she went.
157. Her granddaughter says the old woman was afraid to answer the door, terrified that once again city officials would come knocking.
158. Keeping in mind the penalties for knocking thought up by these sixth graders, I pull open the door and slip inside.
159. The apartment never seemed more cramped with just the two of us knocking around in it.
160. She walked into his rooms without knocking, wearing an emerald-green silk dress, no hat(, and the Conway pearls.
161. After the third knocking a light went on in Jessie's room; then there was the sound of muffled voices.
162. Some place far, far away, where no old friend could possibly come knocking on his door.
163. Peter: Well, cause trouble, you know; play knocking on doors, throw stones at windows and that.
164. One night in bed I thought I heard knocking at the cottage door.
165. Then, without warning, a tremendous blast smote the city, knocking pedestrians to the ground.
166. Years later, Ogwen apprenticeship having been served, we began to aspire to their routes, knees knocking at our effrontery.
167. Then she realised the regular banging noise was some one knocking.
168. He fell again, the wind shoving him with giant, unseen hands, knocking him to the floor.
169. Once, for example, a truant officer came knocking on the door of our rooming house in Dublin, Mississippi.
170. She's the sort of filly who deserves a big race win for she has been knocking on the door all season.
171. Because of all the rubber stuff, Malcolm had magazines like Rubber Monthly knocking around.
172. It brings to mind the ludicrous feud between Liam Gallagher and Robbie Williams, who need their silly heads knocking together.
173. At first, the Sisters themselves tried knocking in a few nails or propping up walls with staves.
174. In a nearby shop doorway an eighty-two-year-old pensioner had been hurled against a door frame, knocking her unconscious.
175. They spent the sixties knocking their country over dinner and waving banners at a liberal president.
176. He was running riot, switching off lights and knocking things over.
177. She shivered suddenly, and her arm caught the folder of photographs, knocking it on to the floor.
178. Shot after shot puffs out of the barrel, knocking dust all around the buck.
179. The ride is against the clock and points are taken away for knocking down obstacles.
180. He's spending an afternoon in Barcelona, knocking back beer on some one else's account.
More similar words: shocking, knock, knock out, knock off, knock down, hard knocks, licking, fucking, checking, hijacking, alive and kicking, checking account, check in, sinking feeling, unknowingly, king, taking, joking, liking, parking, ranking, Lurking, kingdom, banking, milking, shaking, shirking, striking, franking, breaking.