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Khukuri in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-10-15Updated:2024-10-15
Similar words: zhukovchukchikhufufukuokaukuleleseppukublack humorblack humourMeaning: n. a curved steel knife with a razor-sharp edge used in combat by the Gurkhas; has cultural and religious significance in Nepal. 
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(1) Using khukuri in extreme conditions should also be avoided.
(2) Before khukuri is put out of action for a long period of time; oil the blade properly, wrapped it in a plastic or polythene bag and keep it out of the scabbard.
(3) Always maintain your khukuri in a timely manner so that its life can be prolonged.
(4) Care should be taken not to expose the khukuri scabbard into the sun for a longer period of time as heating may help it to shrink a bit, and hence making the blade difficult to insert.
(5) Lastly tuck in the khukuri completely and firmly push the blade forward against the front edge of the scabbard and then store in a cool dry place for few days.
(6) Khukuri blade can also be prevented from wobbling inside the scabbard by pushing the blade forward towards the front edge of the scabbard.
(7) To avoid this[], put the khukuri scabbard (only) in the sun for few hours (2-4hrs) to dry. The sun will heat the leather and thus contracts narrowing the khukuri room.
(8) While on display, make sure to often clean the dirt particles, etc on the khukuri surface with a soft dry cloth and always keep away from water.
(9) Do not encircle the scabbard with your fingers while drawing out your khukuri.
(10) Hit the front edge of the scabbard close to the throat and the back edge several times with one hand while the other holds the khukuri handle firmly.
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