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Chukchi in a sentence

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Sentence count:30Posted:2022-01-20Updated:2022-01-20
Similar words: churchillchurchingzhukovwinston churchilltai chi chuanmachu picchupakchoibok choyMeaning: n. 1. a member of an indigenous people living on the Chukchi Peninsula 2. an indigenous and isolated language of unknown origin spoken by the Chukchi that is pronounced differently by men and women. 
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1, Deer meat is the traditional food of the Chukchi.
2, The Chukchi always tried to attack suddenly.
3, It's clear the Chukchi were much more aggressive and stronger.
4, Extreme climate made the Chukchi capable of great endurance. Body and spirit strength was always considered the crucial point for bringing up the kids.
5, The local wind field over the Chukchi Sea is also an important factor affecting the sea ice pattern variation.
6, But ice disappeared in the Chukchi Sea this year because of warm summer weather, ocean currents and persistent eastern winds, Garlach-Miller said.
7, The vast majority of walruses in the Chukchi each summer are females who fatten up on clams that populate the seafloor.
8, The Bering Strait, the Chukchi Beaufort Coast, the Barents Sea coast and the Great Siberian Polynya are among the most vulnerable places.
9, That's how the Chukchi people lived not so long ago. Nowadays they still follow some of their traditions, through they definately became more civilized and calmer.
10, Welfare of the Chukchi depends largely on the deer breeding and hunting for sea animals.
11, The Chukchi boy was suddenly burnt by a red-hot thing. So the child obviously became aware of every rustle around him and jumped aside every time he was slightly touched.
12, A sandbar divides the Chukchi Sea, at left, from the Kasegaluk Lagoon, right, near North Slope,( Alaska.
13, Arctic Ocean Chukchi Sea is a marginal sea, located in the northeast Asian continent and the Chukchi Peninsula in northwestern North American continent between Alaska Peninsula.
14, Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea are located in an ice margin zone where the air-sea ice interactions are particularly intense.
15, During the summer of 2011, they hope to draw cores from beneath the Chukchi Sea, just north of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia.
16, The lawsuit filed in U. S. District Court in Anchorage claims that federal officials violated laws designed to protect the animals and their sensitive habitat in the Arctic waters of the Chukchi Sea.
17, The Chinese Arctic Research Expedition 1999 made an ozone observation program possible over the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean.
18, The results show that:(1)The distribution of temperature and salinity present obvious regional difference in both the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea.
19, The animals often search for food over the continental shelf of the Chukchi Sea.
20, The graphic photographs, released last week by the American military, show huge swathes of summer ice cover have disappeared from the Chukchi Sea.
21, But the Escimos knew an effective but very dangerous way how to beat the Chukchi.
22, He hopes to drill cores that date back thousands of years at the Chukchi Sea margin, providing a detailed history of interaction between oceanic currents and ice.
23, The animals were forced to swim to shore after the Arctic Sea ice they usually live on disappeared from the Chukchi Sea.
24, One result has been more contacts with humans as the bears of the Chukchi Sea migrate along the region's northern coast until the winter ice freezes again.
25, But the lowest summer ice cap on record put sea ice far north of the outer continental shelf, the shallow[], life-rich shelf of ocean bottom in the Bering and Chukchi seas.
26, Shell has been at the forefront of plans to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.
27, The content of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB)of the 35 sediment samples was determined by using MPN technique in the survey areas of Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea.
28, Oil giant Shell recently received permits from the US government to operate two drilling rigs in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas starting in 2012.
29, Documents of the beginning of the 18th century say the Chukchi often attacked the residents of Alaska, robbed them and took their women and children prisoners.
30, The main population of the village is mosquitoes. Others are Russians and Chukchi.
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