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Junta in a sentence

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Sentence count:65+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: military juntaSimilar words: untamedfountainmountainuntaintedcountablevoluntarytantamountaccountantMeaning: ['dʒʌntə ,'hʊntə]  n. a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power. 
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1. A military junta took control of the country.
2. The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.
3. The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.
4. The civilian junta appointed a prime minister.
5. The junta tried to retake power in 1999.
6. The military junta has/have today broadcast an appeal for calm.
7. The guard was outfitted like a junta general.
8. On 6 March the junta ordered the chiefs of staff to make detailed preparations.
9. A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.
10. The mass resignations from the junta in January 1980 included the Minister of Education.
11. Guei's announcement also has reportedly split the military junta that rules the country of 16 million.
12. On 26 March the junta decided that the invasion would take place on one of the first three days in April.
13. Following the coup the ruling junta made few changes to economic policy.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. The junta that overthrew the old Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974 brutally eliminated the tiny, rich and greedy elite around him.
15. He pushed aside the civilian Junta using it only to give decent sanction to new promotions.
16. All the opponents of the junta have been murdered or imprisoned.
17. The junta hit out at its Western critics on Tuesday.
18. Apparently when the military junta was overthrown Garcia managed to get sent over here through a contact in the embassy.
19. A junta official said recently that a dialogue is unnecessary as evidenced by improving foreign investments and relations.
20. The country was ruled by a military junta from 1974 until 1982.
21. Signs Of Rifts Appearing In Argentina's Junta.
22. This puts the junta in a quandary.
23. The junta hunkered down for talks in Naypyidaw.
24. But the junta is not their only enemy.
25. The junta seems more firmly entrenched than ever,[] even after its attempt to don a civilian disguise with the farcically rigged elections.
26. When the group who has taken power is from the military, this council-type group is called a junta.
27. Civil servants' wages and social services have been cut, while the junta has spent more on defense.
28. Prior to July 1963, political power was held by a military junta.
29. Its members wearied of the task, seeking relief in absence which reduced the Junta to a handful of members.
30. Obama recently launched a new policy of engagement with the country's military junta, while insisting sanctions would stay in place until there were signs of real progress.
More similar words: untamedfountainmountainuntaintedcountablevoluntarytantamountaccountantaccountablemountain manaccountancyinvoluntaryvoluntarilyunaccountablemountaineeringinsurmountableaccountabilityindividual retirement accountbounty hunterjunejunkjunglejuniorjunketjejuneadjunctjejunumjunctionjunk mailjuncture
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