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Input in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+11Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: input signalstimulantstimulationstimulusSimilar words: in publicon purposein partin placein personputin place ofin point ofMeaning: ['ɪnpʊt]  n. 1. signal going into an electronic system 2. any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action 3. a component of production; something that goes into the production of output. v. enter (data or a program) into a computer. 
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121. Since the flow is started, the message that we just put in the input queue should be processed by the flow, transformed into XML, and put in the output queue Q.OUT.
122. The input characteristic parameter is one of the most important basis.
123. The invention provides a mixer which an input signal into an output signal through frequency reduction.
124. The sampled output represents the analog value corresponding to the input digital word.
125. An on-chip control register allows the user to set up different operating conditions, including analog input range and configuration, output coding, power management, and channel sequencing.
126. Name translation: Input name found, but not the associated output format.
127. In view of this situation, a novel system structure is proposed in which the reference input of ANC system is pretreated using the technology of independent component analysis (ICA).
128. The active - low enable input can be used a data line in demultiplexing applications.
129. RTP draws a single stream of X-Y points received from an input stream in connect-the-dots fashion.
130. The converter features no switching losses from zero-load to full-load operation and low conduction losses. It is suitable for high input voltage and high power applications.
131. The net gain loss has relation to Er - doped concentration and input signal power.
132. The infrastructure construction has the features of the older building cycle, greatly capital input amount,( the longer recovery stage.
133. Input/Output Buffer: if the lisp variable gdb-use-inferior-io-buffer is non-nil, the executable program being debugged takes its input and displays its output here.
134. Input circuit is coupling with the magnetism device to test its magnetization voltage and degauss voltage.
135. The type and overall length of a coming ship are identified by the comprehensive target identification system according to the information including the echo waves input from ARPA radars.
136. For the examples in this article, you can use any Smart Common Input Method platform (SCIM) software to transliterate the English characters to Hindi.
137. It has changed the way the traditional economy operates in that it makes technology a kind of input, which makes possible the transition from extensional reproduction to intensional ways.
138. The experiment shows that this equipment is fast response, high precision and without inrush current input.
139. Labor input method is a new national accounting approach, which estimates output (value added) based on data of labor input and output ratio (value added ratio) per captia.
140. The research on the module of preamplifier, A/D voice input, D/A voice output, and controlling of the system is laid stress on.
141. The invention addresses this problem by visualizing an intervention (caused by a user) to an object of interest without the requirement of an interactive input by the user.
142. Comprehensive assessment of the major end result of economic factors, namely, input and output (including the extension of equipment life) of a reasonable balance.
143. The input signal is applied a proprietary programmable gain front end based around an analog modulator.
144. A filter whose transfer function is matched with the frequency spectrum function of input signal.
145. Also, if the winds are up you will need to walk forward to kill some of the kite's momentum prior to the initial input.
146. According to the peculiar capacity modulation mode of digital scroll compressor, the response discipline of condenser's mass flow rate was translated to an external input signal.
147. A data compression and filtering network was incorporated into the simulation sub network to extract"Noise free"patterns in the input signals.
148. The aggregating process and statistic characteristics of multiple input traffic sources in WLAN are studied.
149. The SDXC matrix can implement non - blocking cross - connect of any grade STM - 1 input signal.
150. Since the BJT is a three-terminal device, one of the three terminals is permitted to be common to the input and output ports, and the other two terminals are each uniquely associated with each port.
More similar words: in publicon purposein partin placein personputin place ofin point ofoutputput offput onput output toput upput inin practiceput downput awaydeputya case in pointin particularcomputerdisputeput asidein proportion toput forwardput acrossput up withput through
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