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Hyperthyroidism in a sentence

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Sentence count:57Posted:2017-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hypothyroidismthyroidthyroid glandparathyroid glandparathyroidectomyhyperthermiahyperacidityhypertextMeaning: n. an overactive thyroid gland; pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones or the condition resulting from excessive production of thyroid hormones. 
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31. Conclusion ECG P wave amplitude changes are a useful standard in evaluating hyperthyroidism therapy.
32. Part of diabetes, pernicious anemia, acid deficiency, hyperthyroidism, alopecia areata patients can also with vitiligo.
33. Conclusions: A longer initial duration of euthyroid state with ATD seems to be the only variable related to the risk of hyperthyroidism relapse in children that can be manipulated.
34. Objective To assess changes in bone mineral density ( BMD ) and bone turnover in hyperthyroidism.
35. Cardiac arrhythmias caused by methacholine are particularly prone to occur in patients with hyperthyroidism.
36. Initially, the thyroid is enlarged and there may be transient hyperthyroidism, followed by a euthyroid state and then hypothyroidism with eventual atrophy years later.
37. Conclusion The iodine intake of the people increased after the USI, but it may lead to hyperthyroidism cases in some sensitive people even with proper iodine level.
38. An enlarged thyroid normally functioning tissue or may produce too much hormone ( hyperthyroidism ).
39. After salt iodization the incidence of hyperthyroidism is increased in deficient iodine and adaptive iodine regions of Jilin province.
40. The paralysis is the initial symptom in many patients, and it has no Parallel relations with the degree of hyperthyroidism, protruding eyes, and thyromegaly.
41. Results Aggregate efficiency is 86.9% for treatment Hyperthyroidism diarrhea by Asi antidiarrheal capsule.
42. ObjectiveTo examine changes in hospitalized hyperthyroidism cases after taking the measure of universal salt iodization (USI ) in Changzhou.
43. Objective To study the changes of thyroid function of hyperthyroidism in pregnancies,( and the effects on gestation and the fetus with propylthiouracil(PTU).
44. In addition, the transition of hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism occurred in the medication of SLE with steroids and hydroxychloroquine.
45. Results Hyperthyroidism was found in 20 cases, euthyroidism in 12, hypothyroidism in 28.
46. Objective To study the clinical characteristics and factors of symptomatic propylthiouracil (PTU) -induced hepatic injury in patients with hyperthyroidism.
47. The World Authority on Herbs, The German Commission E, reports that Bugleweed, Motherwort,( and Lemon Balm are safe and efficacious for treating hyperthyroidism.
48. Conclusion: Hyperthyroidism can induce multiform abnormal ECG, it be index referred of curative effect after treatment.
49. Patients with hyperthyroidism may also deelop eye problems in the form of itching, redness and swelling.
50. To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of interventional therapy for hyperthyroidism.
51. Conclusions The prevalence of visible hyperthyroidism didn't increase apparently after USI in iodine sufficient area.
52. We reviewed the datas of 120 cases hyperthyroidism with sub-total thyroidectomy, to explore the causes and prevention of the complication.
53. Objective Discussion the situation about electrocardiogram change before primary hyperthyroidism ( i . e . armor high ) surgery's.
54. Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre.
55. Methods: To analyze the 6 clinicaldata with hyperthyroidism firstly presented with periodic paralysis.
56. Objective To observe the effects of a group of preoperative medication of hyperthyroidism.
57. Conclusion Methimazole is the first choice for the treatment of hyperthyroidism disease.
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