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Harpy in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2017-05-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: harpsharpsharplyharpingsharpenersharpnesslook sharpsharp practiceMeaning: ['hɑrpɪ /'hɑːp-]  n. 1. a malicious woman with a fierce temper 2. (Greek mythology) vicious winged monster; often depicted as a bird with the head of a woman 3. any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes 4. large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America. 
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(1) Being almost the colour of the rocks, the Harpies are difficult to spot before they move.
(2) The Harpies are vicious, hungry creatures who will gang up on any isolated individual.
(3) Ocelots, jaguars, otters, tapirs, harpy eagles, and other endangered species survive there.
(4) If the adventurers pursue the Harpies back to their lair, they will fight to the death to defend it.
(5) As soon as the adventurers stop moving, the Harpies will swoop down from their roosts in the rock.
(6) That was when, with a glass-cracking shriek, the harpy brought him down from behind.
(7) The harpies from Paris running the road houses which must inevitably multiply will be a worse scourge than the mosquitoes.
(8) The Harpy is magically kept alive, but suffers agonizing hunger pangs and is in constant pain.
(9) The Harpy is a unique weapon system with features of both UAV and cruise missile.
(10) HARPY provides the most effective solution to the hostile radar problem, at the lowest price.
(11) FlyingWhen Cavern Harpy comes into play, return a blue or black creature you control to its owner's hand.
(12) When I told the harpy I wanted to invite Jocelyn over for dinner, the only response was the sound of shattering glass from her room, something heavy and fragile thrown against the wall.
(13) The powerful harpy eagle—which has razor-sharp, five-inch talons—is the world's largest bird of prey.
(14) To their utter amazement, this seeming harpy spoke to them.
(15) Pay 1 life: Return Cavern Harpy to its owner's hand.
(16) Harpy Queen: Come, sisters! It's been too long since we feasted on outlander flesh!
(17) A moustached man unwittingly saves a harpy from being drowned in a fountain.
(18) HARPY is a lethal UAV designed to detect[], attack and destroy radar emitters.
(19) The canyon walls are lined with giant harpy nests and guano.
(20) Sometimes when I showered, the harpy came in, and sat on the toilet, and talked to me in her raucous, cawing voice, her head a gray blur through the glass, her body white.
(21) HARPY effectively suppresses hostile SAM and radar sites for long duration, by detecting, attacking and destroying radar targets with a very high hit accuracy.
(22) McAllister wanted to go in and do something, anything, to stop such a harpy from hurting him.
(23) Law is a bottomless pit, it is a cormorant , a harpy, that devours everything.
(24) Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.
(25) The documentary took Seymour into Venezuela's treetops for 21 weeks to follow a nesting harpy eagle.
(26) We'd go to her place, if she was amenable, or else go no place at all. I couldn't take her home. Because of the harpy.
(27) Description: This canyon stronghold is the home of the infamous and hated harpy brood.
(28) Fate has reminded me not to be such a judgmental harpy.
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