Similar words: hardline, hardliner, hardly, hardly any, bloodcurdling, hardly ever, landline, dead line. Meaning: adj. firm and uncompromising hard line. n. a firm and uncompromising stance or position.

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1. For hard-line Republicans, the word 'liberal' had become a pejorative term.
2. Ian Paisley, is one of the most hard-line Unionists.
3. McGuinness is more hard-line than Adams and reckoned to be in closer touch with the mood of die-hard republicans.
4. They bolted at the hard-line views of Pat Buchanan and said Bob Dole lacked vision.
5. The amicable resolution suggested the reformist president and hard-line parliament may be trying to break their cycle of confrontation and deadlock.
6. They are a hard-line conservative splinter group of the Republican Party.
7. They accused the hard-line president of using fraud to steal election victory from his reformist rival. Ahmadinejad was reelected as Iran President Saturday.
8. He is also a hard-line opponent of Turkey's bid to join the European Union because, he has warned, it is an Islamic country and would dilute Europe's Christian heritage.
9. In tribal areas, it provides an alternative to hard-line clerics with a medley of local news, talk shows, and music.
10. The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.
11. The banning of popular plays is normally associated with the hard-line Calvinist reformers.
12. Not surprisingly, the elections did just that, bringing into office hard-line nationalists who oppose interethnic cooperation.
13. But the church is also divided, with a more moderate faction overshadowed by the hard-line nationalists.
14. In both states, O'Reilly has a loyal following among hard-line conservatives.
15. Already, the incident has prompted a retrenchment of a hard-line antagonistic policy in the form of new legislation sponsored by Sen.
16. Cell I illustrates the situation where the government chooses continued hard-line rule and the opposition openly confronts the government.
17. There was speculation that pragmatists within the party opposed the hard-line stance of its Swadeshi Jagran Manch lobby.Sentence dictionary
18. The Social Democrats found themselves without influence inside a hard-line Stalinist party.
19. Therefore, there was strong pressure on chief constables to adopt a hard-line approach from within their own institution.
20. They will boost Communist Party reformers, who are battling hard-line opponents before a crucial autumn party congress.
21. Nabiyev had led the republic's Communist Party under Brezhnev, and was generally seen as a hard-line conservative.
22. By challenging his own country to share waterequitably, Bromberg has rattled the cages of hard-line Israelipoliticians who see water as a national security issue—and as aresource to guard jealously.
23. The trial has become a target for protests by hard-line Muslim groups who have adopted pornography as a banner issue, claiming it symbolises what they have called the nation's moral decline.
24. A bloom continuous Casting machine main cast quality steel and alloy steel, such as heavy rail steel, hard-line steel, spring steel, bearing steel, alloy structural steel, and other key species.
25. Speculation on who will succeed Kim Jong Il as North Korea's leader also has drawn much attention, and the country has been adopting more hard-line policies that place priority on the military.
26. Radio Khyber, launched in 2006 with government support, provides an alternative to the hard-line clerics with its medley of local news, talk shows, and music.
27. He made no mention of disputed presidential elections in Iran in which hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner.
28. Many Iranians in Australia think the vote was rigged and the democratic process hijacked by a hard-line government.
29. But his speech on the economy was that of an orthodox, hard-line right-winger.
30. With elections coming up in Israel, I assumed Hama's was trying to defeat Prime Minister Peres and provoke the Israelis to elect a hard-line government that would not make peace with the PLO.
More similar words: hardline, hardliner, hardly, hardly any, bloodcurdling, hardly ever, landline, dead line, headline, deadline, breadline, bloodline, godliness, friendliness, hardiness, upwardly, inwardly, cowardly, dastardly, niggardly, awkwardly, bastardly, regardless, haphazardly, idling, regardless of, irregardless, cupboard love, seedling, maudlin.