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Gulf of california in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-04-15Updated:2024-04-15
Similar words: californiacalifornianbaja californiacaliforniumgulf of adengulf of omangulf of finlandgulf of mexicoMeaning: n. a gulf west of Mexico. 
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1) But the Gulf of California is closer than you think, and currently under assault by everything from pollution to poaching.
2) Caught in a gill net in the Gulf of California, this thresher shark is among the estimated 100m sharks killed annually for their fins.
3) Gazetteer Eastern Central Pacific: Gulf of California to the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama, and Cocos Island.
4) A city of northwest Mexico near the Gulf of California south-southeast of Hermosillo. It is a resort in a farming area. Population, 122, 531.
5) For jaw-dropping scenery, this Gulf of California city doesn't disappoint.
6) The Hotel Serenidad opened to an elite international clientele on the shores of the Gulf of California nearly 30 years ago.
7) The scientists conducted photo surveys and performed skin biopsies on blue, fin and sperm whales from the Gulf of California.
8) Traditionally the squid have been found mostly in the warm waters of Mexico's Gulf of California (see a Mexico map).
9) This photo shows a thresher shark caught in a fisherman's net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
10) Seafloor hydrothermal activities have been found in tbe Red Sea, Galapagos, East Pacific Rise, Gulf of California,[ of california.html] and Mid-Atlantic Ridge since 1960s.
11) Doomed by a gill net, a thresher shark in Mexico's Gulf of California is among an estimated 100 million sharks killed yearly for their fins.
12) The Colorado River rises in the Rockies and flows southwest into the Gulf of California.
13) A hammerhead shark is fatally caught in a gill net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
14) Skerry A leaping manta ray (Manta birostris) seems to fly above the Gulf of California off the coast of Mexico.
15) River rises in the Rockies and flows southwest into the Gulf of California.
16) A mountainous peninsula of western Mexico extending south-southeast between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California south of the U. S. border. It was first explored by the Spanish in the 530's.
17) The findings come from a study of 156 blue[], fin and sperm whales swimming in the Gulf of California.
18) Its sharp eyes trained on potential prey , a giant squid patrols the waters of Mexicos Gulf of California.
19) The larger structure is the Salton Trough, a depression that stretches from the Gulf of California, through the modern Colorado River Delta, and northwestward into California as far as the Salton Sea.
20) This river rises in Colorado to fall mountain, the big current rushes , is gone into sea by the California gulf of California through Utah, Arizona.
21) They had proved to their satisfaction, that the Mississippi did not empty into the Gulf of California, or into the Atlantic.
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