Similar words: seeing, seeing that, sightseeing, freezing, come into being, free, freed, free of. Meaning: [frɪː] n. the act of liberating someone or something.
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31. To the extent that his religious function included freeing his people from bondage, his spiritual role was also political.
32. Meanwhile the government has begun freeing thousands of inmates to reduce overcrowding and make it easier to control the prisons.
33. Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
34. The core skill is the identifying and reducing these obstacles, freeing the group to reach its potential.
35. It honours the goddess Durga, who slew the fearsome buffalo demon, Mahisasura, thus freeing mankind from terror.
36. Freeing glued joints I have tried to dismantle an old chair using conventional methods but the glued joints won't budge.
37. It will house short-stay patients, freeing beds in acute wards.
38. Romanticism represents the freeing of feelings, instinct and sentiment in opposition to reasoned objectivity.
39. The measure was principally designed to tackle homelessness by freeing council houses for homeless people.
40. He says the new set-up will benefit patients by cutting administration costs and freeing more money for health care.
41. But she suggests that psychoanalysis's contribution to freeing sexuality is valuable for feminism.
42. Freeing yourself up for something better in the future.
43. Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right.
44. That's freeing up cash to use in other ways.
45. The government is committed to freeing discretionary spending.
46. Freeing of memory involves inserting the freed node back to the free tree.
47. The bank on Wednesday also trimmed reserve requirements for banks, freeing up more cash for lending.
48. March 3,1861: Alexander II of Russia signs the Emancipation Manifesto, freeing serfs.
49. The lower portion of the trapezius draws the shoulders down the back, away from the ears, freeing the neck.
50. He stands for freeing the country from the grip of dogma.
51. She'd been caught from behind and hadn't a prayer of freeing herself.
52. The trend is now to be micro - traumatic for tissue and I'm freeing this from obturator nerve.
52. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
53. Incredibly flexible, Captain Frodo is also an escapologist and specialises in freeing himself from straightjackets.
54. NAMM_TERM provides an opportunity to perform wrap-up operations such as freeing memory.
55. France grabbed glory for the freeing of the Bulgarian nurses on death row in Libya.
56. If no response is received within maximum wait time, GDM will declare the display dead and erase it from the pending queue freeing up the slot for other displays.
57. It's a freeing feeling when all of a sudden one day, you're able to verbalize exactly how you feel in a verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus pattern.
58. Why didn't he kill her instead of freeing her to warn the Secret Service?
59. She posed as Boushh, an Ubese bounty hunter and infiltrated the palace, freeing Solo from his carbonite imprisonment.
60. After his son's death, Lincoln decided that one of his purposes was to be an emancipator -- to begin the process of freeing the slaves. A few months later, he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation.
More similar words: seeing, seeing that, sightseeing, freezing, come into being, free, freed, free of, freely, freeze, freeway, carefree, freezer, freedom, set free, freeze up, free from, freelance, free market, antifreeze, free enterprise, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, ageing, refreshing, breeding, greeting, screening, screeching, for the time being.