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Foreign exchange transactions in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-04-21Updated:2024-04-21
Similar words: foreign exchangeforeign exchange rateforeign exchange policyforeign exchange marketforeign exchange controlforeign exchange reserveforeign exchange businessexchange transfusion
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(1) Both importers and exporters undertake their foreign exchange transactions near their home offices in Great Britain. 3.
(2) Attend to foreign exchange transactions, if any.
(3) Spot transactions are foreign exchange transactions that have to be settled promptly, forward transactions have to be settled on a agreed future date.
(4) The Bank also accepts deposits and executes foreign exchange transactions for member countries.
(5) Speculation in foreign exchange transactions will gravely corrupt and demoralize the Party conduct and social values.
(6) Most countries adopt single-rate systems in which all foreign exchange transactions are carried on at one official rate of exchange.
(7) Second - tier market is the bank's foreign exchange transactions between.
(8) Since the attack, authorities suspended the stock, securities and foreign exchange transactions.
(9) To this end, the Aggregate Balance and forecast changes to the Aggregate Balance attributable to the currency board's foreign exchange transactions are disclosed on a real time basis.
(10) Foreign exchange futures contract delivery date of the strict provisions of this contract the spot foreign exchange transactions is the did not.
(11) Spot foreign exchange contracts through the sale of the bank or company to conduct foreign exchange transactions, foreign exchange futures trading in the futures market specifically.
(12) The Tobin tax is named after Nobel laureate economist James Tobin who suggested a tax on foreign exchange transactions to dampen speculation.
More similar words: foreign exchangeforeign exchange rateforeign exchange policyforeign exchange marketforeign exchange controlforeign exchange reserveforeign exchange businessexchange transfusionforeign currency exchangetransaction mechanismtransactionscation exchangetransaction handlingpayment transactionsion exchangetransactionactual transactiontransaction flowtransaction datacash transactionsales transactiondaily transactionnested transactioncredit transactionmargin transactioncurrent transactiontransaction controltransaction managerexchange contractcommodity transaction
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