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For the best in a sentence

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Sentence count:226+7Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: for the time beingfor the restnorthwestat the beginningat the beginning ofbestget the better ofhad best
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31. I wasn't criticizing you, I really meant it for the best .
32. For the best results use olive oil. Not just any olive oil, mind - only the finest quality will do.
33. People in the crowd were jostling for the best positions.
34. Don't be angry. I'm sure she meant it for the best .
35. I don't want you to leave, but perhaps it's for the best.
36. I just don't know what to do for the best.
37. At the county fair last year, prizes were given for the best farm products and livestock.
38. We seem to have a selective memory for the best bits of the past.
39. Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best.
40. Ending a relationship is always hard but in this case it's definitely for the best.
41. The film faces stiff competition for the Best Film nomination.
42. If you're buying a new hi - fi , shop around for the best price.
43. The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results.
44. I don't know how the negotiations will go; what I can do is to sit back and hope for the best.
45. Our motto is "Plan for the worst and hope for the best".
46. I'm just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best.
47. I've repaired it as well as I can - we'll just have to hope for the best.
48. Competition for the best jobs is getting hotter all the time.
49. People must shop around for the best school for their children.
50. When you're buying a flight(,[ the best.html] you should always shop around for the best deal.
51. Whatever the circumstances, parents are supposed to know what to do for the best.
52. Most beginners buy plants on impulse and then hope for the best.
53. He had been in Israel for the best part of twenty-four hours.
54. Finally, brokers scour the market for the best deal.
55. One could only hope for the best, he decided.
56. Skinner negotiated with several firms for the best offer.
57. After all, it may be for the best.
58. It may well be for the best.
59. Maybe it is for the best.
60. I only meant it for the best.
More similar words: for the time beingfor the restnorthwestat the beginningat the beginning ofbestget the better ofhad bestat bestbest of allnorthworthnorthernworthyset forthbe worthcome forthcall forthnortheastand so forthback and forthfor the futurefor the sake offor the momentfor the presentrebelbesidecome beforebesidesbespoke
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