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Home > For God's sake in a sentence

For God's sake in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: for goodness sakeinferior goodsgodsendforgotfor goodforgottenforsakeforsaken
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1 For God's sake, stop that whining!
2 For God's sake, look at the facts!
3 Will somebody for God's sake shut that alarm off.
4 For God's sake, shut up!
5 For God's sake get a grip!
6 What is it now, for God's sake?
7 For God's sake stop dithering and make up your mind!
8 For God's sake, Tom smith, throw down your arms.
9 Use a cutting board for god's sake.
10 Begone, for God's sake,( and hide your vixen face!
11 And for God's sake don't invest money in any brokerage firm in which one of the partners is named Frenchy.
12 And for God's sake don't invest money with any brokerage firm in which one of the partners is named Frenchy .
13 "Oh, for God's sake, don't be sententious, " Bertha interrupted fiercely.
14 And to the coachman: " For God's sake, can't you drive faster? "
15 "For God's sake," Michael said melodramatically, "Whatever you do, don't look down."
16 Don't investgate love too reasoningly but apperceive it for god's sake by heart!
17 Dr. Terence Wynn : Now , for God's sake[], he't even drive a car!
18 Her middle name is Josephine for God's sake , notWeatherfield.
19 "They even copied their bugs, for God's sake," said Ray Mota, managing partner at ACG Research, a telecom business consulting and services company.
20 Lucy, for God's sake, put on your life belt. Set a good example.
21 Dr. Terence Wynn : Now, for God's sake, he can't even drive a car!
22 " Darling, for God's sake ! Stop ! Hush! Don't yell.
23 Julie: Mick, don't cut the potatoes on the worktop. Use a cutting board for god's sake.
24 And she's married to the Prince of Darkness. He bit the head off of a live bat, for God's sake.
25 for it seems he knew his Voice: T'other answered, Ay, ay; for God's Sake, Tom Smith, throw down your Arms, and yield, or, you are all dead Men this Moment.
More similar words: for goodness sakeinferior goodsgodsendforgotfor goodforgottenforsakeforsakenfor the sake offorgive and forgettake the cakemake a mistakeGodgo downnagasakithank Godact of godwoodsgoodsergocargopergolajargongood spiritcanned goodsembargoundergoblood streamundergonegargoyle
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