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Fiscal system in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2023-04-27Updated:2023-04-27
Similar words: medical systemlogical systemoptical systempolitical systemnumerical systemdynamical systemelectrical systembiological system
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1. It suggests that the benefits of an inefficient fiscal system exceed the costs of high inflation rates.
2. The reform of tax - sharing fiscal system is an important systematic innovation in fiscal relationship among the governments in our country.
3. However, the rural fiscal system ensures to make arrangements for the specific systems by the village and town governments and their superior governments.
4. Fiscal system reform and other reforms are suggested to promote the efficiency of fiscal expenditures.
5. In fact, Britain's development of the state and fiscal system was created by desires to be a big player in international politics and to create a mercantile empire.
6. Expenditure responsibilities in China's decentralized fiscal system generally do not match revenue capabilities well.
7. To guide spiritual civilization building in autonomous regional fiscal system; to take charge of the personnel education and Party-masses work for administrations and directly affiliated institutions.
8. Fiscal system is the important part of the whole economy system[ system.html], and it's reformation makes the most significance in the whole economy system reformation.
9. Therefore, public fiscal system has become the key supporting term of actualizing scientific development concept.
10. Budgetary hierarchical classification, a fundamental mechanism of fiscal system, is designed to help agencies acquire and use resources in order to fulfill their policy objectives.
11. Under the balanced principle of benefit, capacity, duty, rights, it's an important problem in fiscal system of education that how to divide responsibility reasonably between governments.
12. One of the main causes of the current straits faced by the compulsory education in China's rural areas in that the reform of educational system can't suit the reform of fiscal system.
13. Setting up a standard and rational system of intergovernmental grants is an important content of perfecting fiscal system and coordinating intergovernmental fiscal relationship.
14. This article mainly analyzes the obstacles hindering the sustainable development of economic integration in Yangtze River delta from the angle of fiscal system innovation.
15. The purpose research is to provide the theoretic basis for the innovation in the country fiscal system.
16. The establishment of a new rural society requires an adaptive fiscal system to serve as the guarantee.
17. First[], a critical policy issue that will have a profound effect on growth as well as distribution is the intergovernmental fiscal system within China.
18. With the development of the socialist market economy and the acceleration of accounting reform, the budget accounting, a component of the accounting, have to meet the need of the fiscal system reform.
19. With the ongoing financial reform of higher education and higher education in the context of large enrollment, the current fiscal system of higher education have some unreasonable.
20. Another worry is whether Mr Kan can push through a reform of the fiscal system to help ease strains on the public finances.
21. Local governments, with total borrowing of 10.7 trillion yuan or 27% of GDP largely via off-balance-sheet entities, are a potential problem for both the financial and fiscal system.
22. The government decides fiscal decentralization hierarchically, resulting in the hierarchical fiscal system.
23. The first step for economy marketilization is reforming the fiscal system and strengthening the firms' ability to work in market economy.
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