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Fda in a sentence

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Sentence count:168Posted:2017-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damoclesMeaning: n. a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products. 
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31 The rheumatoid arthritis drug leflunomide (Arava; sanofi-aventis) has received a boxed warning about the risk for severe liver injury, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today.
32 The FDA quickly gave permission to use this "Limulus amebocyte lysate, " or LAL, test for detecting pyrogens .
33 The FDA, in revealing findings on mercury-contaminated fish, claimed that if women had a list of all the highly-contaminated fish, they probably wouldn't eat it at all.
34 In 2006, with the review still incomplete, an independent FDA advisory panel of doctors and dentists rejected the agency's position that there is no reason for concern about the use of amalgam.
34 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
35 The FDA is also concerned that Avastin has bad side effects.
36 All nipples are made of food grade liquid silicone, which is heat-resistant, non-toxic, non-sticky, odorless, Nitrosamine free and complies with the FDA.
37 Called Stratis ACL , the system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ).
38 The FDA ordered warnings about tardive dyskinesia to be added to Reglan and metoclopramide in February 2009.
39 The FDA wrote that a print ad for Cymbalta "entirely omits risk information" in the main part of the ad and directs readers to a single-spaced paragraph on another page that included unrelated ads.
40 Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia, they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia, nor in hirsutism.
41 With pinpoint accuracy, FDA approval and the ability to measure not only people's temperature, but hot foods and liquids the Multi Scan InfraRed Thermometer is the right temperature for you!
42 Critics said the FDA should have reacted sooner to signs of problems related to Vioxx and other medicines on the market.
43 O-rings should be cleaned or replaced as necessary and lightly greased with the FDA approved silicon grease. For more information refer to repair parts price list PL-RP-BPD.
44 The New England Journal, in an editorial, called for the drug to be withdrawn, and the FDA has already warned cardiac patients against taking the drug.
45 Usage: FDA Cleanser After cleansing, pat the face amount of the product to absorb massage, mouth, nose ditch, neck, eye hanged.
46 Q: Did the FDA require Advanced Bionics to issue this recall?
47 A new portable lidar ceilometer using technique of fast data acquisition(FDA) of the backscatter signals of aerosol and cloud based on a common singlechip microcontroller was developed.
48 Temperature Controlled, satisfied with standard method of trans - fat of FDA.
49 In the proposed rule, FDA requested comments on current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements applicable to combination products.
50 FDA approves methotrexate, an anti - metabolite derived from folic acid, and 6 - mercaptopurine as anti - cancer drugs.
51 Pfizer and the FDA have also issued interim prescribing guidelines for Viracept.
52 Melphalan ( L - PAM ) is approved by FDA for marketing.
53 An approvable letter indicates that FDA is prepared to approve the application upon the satisfaction of conditions specified in the approvable letter.
54 An FDA review found just 11 studies of children published over the last half - century.
55 The fillings "contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses, " reads the FDA warning.
56 Johnson said the recall with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) joint.
57 Familiar with quality system requirements of GMP, ISO, FDA and related regulatory.
58 Use of the two drugs together is presently FDA - approved.
59 In 1975, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that diphtheria toxoid "is not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated."
60 The FDA is requiring that a medication guide about treatment with naltrexone extended-release injectable suspension be provided to all patients.
More similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damocles
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