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Favoured in a sentence

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Sentence count:180+4Posted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: favourfavouritein favour offavourablecurry favourunfavourablefavoredfavor
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121. The view most favoured is that it could, by the intervention of an official and by means of his coercion.
122. Case-detection through antenatal screening may have logistic, financial, and manpower impediments to implementation but it remains the favoured strategy.
123. It is much favoured by drink advertisers and, of course, cigarette advertisers who are not allowed on television.
124. More favoured here was the use of promissory notes and bills of exchange in large volume and down to low denominations.
125. Hence selective forces would have favoured the most successful at doing it.
126. Muriel was favoured by all three partners, but the comments of her present employer turned out to be of particular importance.
127. Here, clinging like autumn leaves to a few favoured trees, some 200m butterflies sleep through the winter.
128. There also seems to be an expectation that children will be favoured over other relatives when assistance is given.
129. Miss Haines too favoured Clara, but being young and honourable she made every effort to conceal it.
130. The bias means that the favoured areas is given preference.
131. Brood parasitic birds are becoming favoured examples in studies of coevolution.
132. Selection favoured union with the large cells of his ally, and so the sexes were born.
133. The coastal towns are expanding in their hinterlands rather than along the waterfront, and disused industrial areas are favoured for development.
134. He was, however, a pragmatist and a realist who favoured close relations with the United States.
135. To provide a university education for her might mark her out as a favoured pupil.
135. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
136. High-energy physics is favoured, with a special nod to Stanford University.
137. Thus well-protected holiday beaches sometimes take a toll from less favoured areas.
138. Later child psychologists have noted how older children find and hang on to a favoured object such as a rag.
139. The high frequency vibrations were so highly favoured that an infinite amount of energy would be present in them.
140. The favoured strategy so far has been to introduce a cooling-off period before industrial action could be taken.
141. People generally dismiss the fashionable view - favoured by the Government - that one-parent families cause society's ills.
142. Four-fifths of chief executives favoured legislation requiring companies to have a remuneration committee dominated by outsiders.
143. The integration of state and society favoured a benevolent and expansive concept of the role of the state.
144. The difference of treatment for the two bids gave rise to criticism that the government's merger policy favoured conglomerates.
145. A style favoured by Empress Eugenie and very fashionable at the time.
146. Amongst other things(, this ought to help to ensure that co-operative R ventures are favoured relative to co-operative D ventures.
147. Sub-regional specialties were strongly favoured by professional care staff if not by members or managers within the authorities.
148. It was beginning to look ominous for the Light Blues, as the final bend favoured Oxford.
149. Hospitals might be privatised or turned into voluntary hospitals, as the Conservatives had favoured before 1946.
150. They will learn too that moderate leaders favoured dialogue with the students.
More similar words: favourfavouritein favour offavourablecurry favourunfavourablefavoredfavorfavoriteflavoursavouryavouchin favor offavorableparty favorendeavourfavorite sonunfavorablecuredinuredmaturedsecuredinjureduncuredassuredtorturedculturedmeasuredrupturedcensured
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