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Favor in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+15Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: approvebenefitcourtesykindnesslook likepreferresembleserviceAntonym: animosityenmitymaliceSimilar words: favoritefavorableflavorin favour ofsurvivorMeaning: ['feɪvə(r)]  n. 1. an act of gracious kindness 2. an advantage to the benefit of someone or something 3. an inclination to approve 4. a feeling of favorable regard 5. souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party. v. 1. promote over another 2. consider as the favorite 3. treat gently or carefully 4. bestow a privilege upon. 
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181 He ruled in favor of the party for a large amount of damages.
182 Proper chilling of ocean catches and shipment by air favor the availability of fresh ocean fish in large urban markets.
183 Bormann followed the simple principle of always remaining in the closest proximity to the source of all grace and favor.
184 Some who supported Dole from the start believe they were passed over in favor of Wilson supporters, he said.
185 All this has been pared away in favor of ideas and a spare, urgent prose style.
186 New loans now typically come from large Wall Street investment houses and real estate investment trusts that favor large builders.
187 Television news directors and producers are well aware of this fascination,( and almost universally favor the idea of televising actual trials.
188 He shook hands with me, with Clarisa and even with Janir in his carrier, which immediately won my favor.
189 Californians overwhelmingly favor the educational reforms that the state has embraced over the last few years, according to a new study.
190 Forbes recently spoke in favor of a balanced-budget amendment, but his columns have lambasted the idea.
191 The late Friday Night Service is gaining in favor throughout all the denominations of Jewry.
192 In return for their favor he acted so atrociously that no poet ever tried to explain his conduct.
193 But reject her he finally will, in favor of a woman in her twenties.
194 Anyway, Jimmy had phoned me a few weeks earlier out of nowhere and asked if I could do him a favor.
195 Carter-appointed judges ruled in favor of the defendant in 40 percent of the cases, the study found.
196 Opinion seemed to be moving in favor of the president's accusers.
197 When stock prices are volatile, investors often flee the market in favor of less risky money-market mutual funds.
198 In the Northern California wine country at harvest time, we favor soaked grapevines added to the coals for our fuel source.
199 Some economists attribute much of the rising wage inequality in this country to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers.
200 These serve pretty well everywhere, though languages differ in the ones they favor.
201 They did it with defensive pressure that changed the pace of the game in their favor in the second half.
202 Wherever politicians seek public favor, though, they quickly find that popularity has its price.
203 He renounces all possibility of a happy life in favor of a solitary one dedicated to work.
204 The promoter was desperate, so I did him a favor.
205 The bottom line: That guy on the street asking for spare change is actually doing you a favor.
206 Cardoso passed his first and toughest hurdle when the lower house voted in favor of the measure two weeks ago.
207 Even in the field of education, however, support is skewed in favor of foreign students.
208 All were closed, five with settlements in favor of the patients, and the average payment was $ 66, 944.
209 For some reason this is being passed over for some lesser things... please vote in favor of it.
210 The black students wanted to present different, additional arguments from those in the Texas brief in favor of affirmative action.
More similar words: favoritefavorableflavorin favour ofsurvivor
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