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Ethernet in a sentence

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Sentence count:271Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Internetkernelnonethelesshornet's nestwesternerconcernedeagernessunethicalMeaning: n. a type of networking technology for local area networks; coaxial cable carries radio frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second. 
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(121) You can add a PC at any time by connecting it to any telephone jack in your wall - or you can uplink an entire 10/100 Ethernet network for instant communication.
(122) The thesis is just about the design and implementation of Gigabit Ethernet Interface Card in Core Router.
(123) One type of MAC is Ethernet, which is used by bus or star network topologies.
(124) The 802.11 standard, for example, uses collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) instead of collision detection (CSMA/CD) used by wired Ethernet.
(125) And the technology continues to advance, with plans for full-duplex and gigabit Ethernet on the horizon.
(126) The optical Ethernet extends Ethernet technologies from LAN to metropolitan area network(MAN).
(127) Deciding whether to go with a shared or switched fast LAN technology, once you start to max out your shared Ethernet or token-ring LAN, is a tough call.
(128) In network communication subsystem, the module of UART to network interface was responsible for accessing Ethernet. Through accessing Ethernet, every LCD spliter could be real-time monitored.
(129) Check the attributes of the virtual Ethernet adapters with the lsdev –dev entX –attr command to confirm which adapters are which.
(130) PDF - Single Chip Ethernet data acquisition and control circuit design.
(131) Based on LAN's CSMA/CD protocol analysis, the user oriented availability model of Ethernet is put forward.
(132) A Triac heater was designed to form an experimental platform for industrial Ethernet, and the temperature control software run on host PC developed.
(132) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(133) If the network settings are correct, there is probably a defect in the Ethernet card itself.
(134) The Embedded Network Device researched in this paper is a distributed I/O device which has an ethernet interface, it is applied mainly in industrial automatic control field.
(135) Only Ethernet facilitates the combination of components from different manufacturers.
(136) Different Ethernet frame type values are defined for these frames.
(137) You would normally configure each ethernet card with a physical unit number.
(138) EP 9307 ETHERNET high level driver, it does support normal network function.
(139) Aiming at the characteristics of the LAN of fast Ethernet and distributed parallel server system, a novel distributed operating system transport protocol (DOSTP) is proposed in this paper.
(140) When the gigabit ethernet work on UTP, it must adopt the 4pairs UTP at the full duplex mode, and need to increase some new requirement of performance parameters return loss , NEXT, PSNEXT.
(141) Through Ethernet, the real-time data transmission between field equipment and remote monitoring equipment is realized.
(142) This simple app generates a MAC address for Ethernet cards.
(143) Data communication between different units including 485-bus, EIA RS-232C, Ethernet interface communication and the realization of TCP/IP protocol are fully presented in the thesis.
(144) To add an additional IP alias to an ethernet card that's already configured, you configure an interface with the same physical unit number but qualify it with a logical unit number.
(145) Any emulator instance can act as a virtual ethernet switch.
(146) Barco's CDMS-3000 is compatible with the ARINC429 and/or MIL-STD-1553 interfaces and supports Ethernet, mass memory, and USB memory front loading.
(147) Despite its management shortcomings, switching technology hands down over fast Ethernet, according to many observers.
(148) At which OSI layer do the differences between standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet occur?
(149) Then mainly expatiates RTL8019AS Ethernet controller driver and serial interface driver of embedded communication platform; Finally, discusses the application program development and driver testing.
(150) With the enhancement of Ethernet protocol rule degree , some change has taken place at the aspects of network installment and configuration .
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