Synonym: 11th. Similar words: eleventh hour, at the eleventh hour, eleven, even then, seventh, even though, in the event of, surface level. Meaning: [-nθ]
n. position 11 in a countable series of things. adj. coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in position.

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91. One of the most striking dances, "Samaia", is a choreographic interpretation of a famous eleventh century Georgian mural painting.
92. No mounding clutters the back of the eleventh green complex, though unfortunately trees do, thus robbing the course of what would again be another great long view.
93. He replaced Paul Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board on Augest eleventh 1987.
94. Since the Eleventh century, there has been a sizable Druze presence, concentrated in rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut.
95. Each time European policymakers reacted similarly: with denial and dithering, followed at the eleventh hour with a half-baked rescue plan to buy time.
96. Merriam-Webster has just released the list of the some 100 new words added to its Collegiate Dictionary,[] Eleventh Edition.
97. Thundercloud glow is eleventh of city of general manager of Zhengzhou shoe city, Zhengzhou delegate of National People's Congress.
98. The eleventh test flight proved to be fatal when he plane's elevator jammed causing it plough into the ground below.
99. Until now, public universities have reveled in the sovereign immunity they enjoy under the Eleventh Amendment.
100. In the eleventh month of that year, a black fox was said to have appeared in Zhengzhou.
101. Inter Milan dropped to eleventh place after a disappointing 1 - 1 draw at home to Roberto Baggio's Brescia.
More similar words: eleventh hour, at the eleventh hour, eleven, even then, seventh, even though, in the event of, surface level, event, events, prevent, seventy, eventful, eventual, in any event, eventually, seventeen, eventuate, prevention, preventive, preventable, lever, levee, level, clever, elevate, cleverly, leverage, all levels, sea level.