Synonym: 11th. Similar words: eleventh hour, at the eleventh hour, eleven, even then, seventh, even though, in the event of, surface level. Meaning: [-nθ]
n. position 11 in a countable series of things. adj. coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in position.

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61. The criminal won his reprieve at the eleventh hour.
62. One year coverage effective from the eleventh working after acceptance of this Proposal Form.
63. And we have a fantastic Polynesian show on eleventh floor from six o'clock.
64. Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries.
65. The adventure of the Yellow Diamond begins with the eleventh century of the Christian era.
66. On September the eleventh , enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country .
67. China is the host of The Eleventh Asian Olympic Games.
68. One of the most striking dances, "Samaia", is a choreographic interpretation of a famous eleventh century Georgian mural painting. A particularly dramatic dance is the dagger dance.
69. It is not until the eleventh century that we hear of new efforts in this field.
70. That man on death row was granted a stay of execution at the eleventh hour.
71. On Thursday the eleventh, I had to face a disturbed and indignant House of Commons.
72. The patrol was almost surrounded and then , at the eleventh hour , reinforcements arrived.
73. Real tennis, an ancient precursor of the modern game, originated in the eleventh century.
74. De Leon landed a punch on the Italian's mouth after the end of the eleventh round.
75. During the "Eleventh five-year plan" period, Shaoyang municipality will focus on the development of viscose rayon, cotton yarn, cloth and garments etc.
76. As 2010 begins, Neptune is still in Aquarius and your eleventh house.
77. If any guest failed at the eleventh hour , Todd was to dine.
78. Several extraneous prefaces were cut out of the prayer book at the beginning of the eleventh century.
79. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February eleventh, eighteen - forty - seven in the small town of Milan, Ohio.
80. In 1849, James Polk , the eleventh president of the United States, died in Nashville, Tennessee.
81. Godiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry. She lived in the eleventh century.
82. Au bonheur des dames, the eleventh volume of the Rougon-Macquart series, is a novel about a Parisian department store named "Au Bonheur des Dames", created and imagined by Emile Zola.
83. The eleventh at Waterville is rightly considered the best three shot hole in Ireland.
84. According the gross premium, Chinese insurance market ranked third in Asia and eleventh in the
85. A powerful earthquake struck the northeastern coast of Japan at two forty-six p.m. local time on March eleventh.
86. Eleventh sessions: Hold in Germany Berlin on 16 th on August 1, 1936.
87. In order to meet the requirement of some key projects of Baosteel s "Eleventh Five" Plan, the company has independently developed the L2 process control computer system for its 5 production lines.
88. Someone was telling how Brannigan fixed 'em over in the Eleventh.
89. He replaced Paul Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board on August eleventh, nineteen eighty - seven.
90. As a species , humanity admires that last ditch , against - all - odds , eleventh - hour rescue attempt.
More similar words: eleventh hour, at the eleventh hour, eleven, even then, seventh, even though, in the event of, surface level, event, events, prevent, seventy, eventful, eventual, in any event, eventually, seventeen, eventuate, prevention, preventive, preventable, lever, levee, level, clever, elevate, cleverly, leverage, all levels, sea level.