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Home > Draw up in a sentence

Draw up in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: composeframehaul uppull upstraighten upSimilar words: drawdraw outdraw indraw ondrawerdrawingwithdrawdraw backMeaning: v. 1. form or arrange in order or formation, as of a body of soldiers 2. straighten oneself 3. cause (a vehicle) to stop 4. make up plans or basic details for 5. come to a halt after driving somewhere. 
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1. Do you mind if I draw up the blinds?
2. They agreed to draw up a formal agreement.
3. Draw up a chair, and join the conversation.
4. I've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.
5. The interviewers have to draw up a shortlist of five or six people.
6. Draw up a chair and I'll tell you all about it.
7. You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.
8. To draw up someone's horoscope[], you need to know their date and exact time of birth.
9. Don't draw up plans behind closed doors.
10. Don't draw up plans with closed doors.
11. The panel will draw up a shortlist of candidates.
12. I will draw up the model.
13. His car began to draw up.
14. We'll notify her to draw up a contract.
15. Draw up the lines and welcome the new teacher.
16. Suck on the tube to draw up the water.
17. The college needs to draw up an agenda for change.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. Draw up the contract.
19. We had to draw up plans for every conceivable emergency.
20. I will draw up a scheme of it for you.
21. He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law.
22. She was asked to draw up a register of suitable sites.
23. Draw up a wish list, defining the requirements for your ideal home.
24. The council has to draw up its budget for next year.
25. Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.
26. Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows.
27. The profession should draw up guidelines on rotating audit partners. 1.
28. It would have obliged local authorities to draw up a register of contaminated sites in their area, and supervise their clean-up.
29. A convention to draw up such a charter has already begun work.
30. The fixed dose mixtures are certainly useful for patients who are unable or unwilling to draw up two different insulins.
More similar words: drawdraw outdraw indraw ondrawerdrawingwithdrawdraw backwithdrawalshow upblow upgrow upthrow upfollow uprawcrawldragdraftdramadrainclear awaydrag indrag ondramaticafter a whiledramaticallycarbohydrate
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