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Dive in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dropfallplungeSimilar words: diveddivestdivertdivergediversediverteddivergentdiversityMeaning: [daɪv]  n. 1. a cheap disreputable nightclub or dance hall 2. a headlong plunge into water 3. a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft. v. 1. drop steeply 2. plunge into water 3. swim under water. 
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1. He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep). 
2. Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres.
3. The plane made a dive to a lower altitude.
4. The plane went into a steep dive.
5. I can dive under the water without any facilities but I can't stop down there too much time.
6. You dive in first and test the temperature of the water.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.
8. The news put shares in a dive .
9. Dinner's ready. Dive in, everybody!
10. The aircraft appeared to dive vertically towards the crowd.
11. Profits really took a dive last year.
12. Stock prices took a dive.
13. Unlike some birds, it does not dive vertically.
14. The competitors will dive off the highest board.
15. She defied him to dive off the bridge.
16. She made a dive for the door.
17. When the argument started I wanted to dive in.
18. Let's dive in,supper is ready.
19. If we cut interest rates, the pound would dive.
20. She made a dive for the bathroom.
21. The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball.
22. The economy is on a headlong dive to disaster.
23. The band played in every smoky dive in town.
24. The team's fortunes have taken a dive this year.
25. I signed up to learn how to scuba dive.
26. The firm's profits took a dive last month.
27. Joanne had just learnt to dive.
28. The submarine began to dive.
29. There would be a dive for the bar as soon as the show finished.
30. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 
More similar words: diveddivestdivertdivergediversediverteddivergentdiversitydivertingbiodiversitydivadivandivinedividedivulgedivorcedivisionundivideddivisibleskydivingdivulgenceindividualdivine rightgivefivelivedrivealivegiverrivet
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