Similar words: displace, displaceable, displacement, displaced person, angular displacement, displacement reaction, misplace, misplaced.
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1. A stirling engine has a piston and a displacer.
2. The displacer is still in its highest position.
3. Elastic rubber ball acts as a volume displacer , and 4-way reversing valve provides fast reversing and secure sealing.
4. The displacer piston now moves, shunting the gas to the cold end of the cylinder.
5. The squeezing action forces the displacer of the screw into the sheet, causing it to reduce the mounting-hole diameter and captivate the screw.
6. Internally mounted displacer units shall be avoided except for extraordinary applications and shall only be used with approval by SECCO.
7. "Displacer" ( E ) should be in the middle of it's travel up and down.
8. As the displacer begins to move down the piston continues to move up and the cold gas is transferred to the hot end of the cylinder and the cycle starts again.
9. Differential pressure transmitters are preferred over displacer type for low boiling point hydrocarbon liquids.
10. His ionic displacer rifle can scramble AUTOBOT sensors, causing confusion in the enemy ranks, and his huge bulk casts a terrifying shadow across a battlefield.
11. All flanged process connections, except those for internal displacer level instruments shall have a flanged gate block valve, directly connected to the process connection.
12. Changes in level or specific gravity exert a buoyant force on a displacer, which rotates the torque tube shaft.
13. So comparing the adsorbed amount of various chromatographic columns, an optimal displacer concentration should be selected.
14. In a Stirling refrigerator, this phase angle is provided by the relative movement of the piston and the displacer.
15. By making use of the correlation technique of pseudorandom signal, the on line identification of moving damping of displacer in a split cycle Stirling cryocooler has been carried out in this paper.
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16. For level instruments required to send signal remotely, diaphragm sealed differential pressure level transmitter, displacer transmitter and radar transmitter shall be selected.
17. The homologue Law in liquid chromatography was proved again from the new point of view of homologous displacer in mobile phase.
18. An experimental study on a two-stage G-M refrigerator operating in the liquid helium temperature region with the cold regenerator outside of the displacer has been studied.
More similar words: displace, displaceable, displacement, displaced person, angular displacement, displacement reaction, misplace, misplaced, display, on display, placer, display case, display board, computer display, placer mining, interactive display, misplay, displease, tennis player, displeased, displeasing, displeasure, place, lacerate, placed, lacerated, laceration, placebo, replace, in place.