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Disciplinary in a sentence

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Sentence count:170+1Posted:2017-07-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: multidisciplinaryinterdisciplinarydisciplinariandisciplinedisciplinedindisciplineundisciplinedself-disciplineMeaning: ['dɪsɪplɪnərɪ]  adj. 1. relating to discipline in behavior 2. relating to a specific field of academic study 3. designed to promote discipline. 
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121) Where participants cross disciplinary boundaries and professional backgrounds, a rich mix of ideas is fostered.
122) Being brought before a disciplinary panel is not like appearing in a public criminal court.
123) One can not over-emphasise the need to remove any disciplinary flavour from the proposed system.
124) New disciplinary measures and recommendations asserted his authority over clerical and lay Catholics.
125) General rules are difficult to give because each disciplinary encounter is unique, given the specific circumstances and the individual personalities involved.
126) If a teacher fails to exercise this responsibility, what disciplinary actions can a school board take?
127) It is equally important that disciplinary proceedings should not become unduly protracted.
128) My husband wasn't suspended but went through a disciplinary hearing and things were dealt with there, or so we thought.
129) Two other letters of Anselm during Osbern's disciplinary exile at Bec complete the story of their first meeting.
130) The report did not, however, make any recommendations of disciplinary measures against those concerned.
131) There is little doubt within Council that more openness in disciplinary matters is both desirable and necessary.
132) Portsmouth accumulated just 55 disciplinary points despite the added pressure of chasing twin honours.
133) The Disciplinary Tribunal may revoke recognition where there has been a breach of the Rules or other conduct requirements.
134) Furthermore, there is already a perception that the decks are stacked at the disciplinary tribunals.
135) All disciplinary problems are brought before the Committee and the two prison wardens previously assigned these duties no longer perform them.
136) This mechanism does not rely on a disciplinary code nor on a court-like body.
137) He will have a fiery temper, a bad disciplinary record and a passionate spirit.
138) This story tramples traditional disciplinary boundaries and exposes time-honored philosophical principles to direct experimental tests.
139) Social control of the rank and file, in its formal disciplinary guise(, had a multitude of possibilities.
140) The Jockey Club has announced it is to look again at the appeals procedure available to parties involved in disciplinary hearings.
141) So far, not a single person has faced prosecution or disciplinary action over the case.
142) Against this we have to set the disadvantage that re-investigation might come to be considered as a disciplinary review.
143) Only this will ensure that in future all machine-readable data can be exchanged across disciplinary and professional boundaries.
144) The case further indicates the need for employers to adopt the most appropriate type of disciplinary measure in each case.
145) Brown was furious after the players had their dismissals overturned by a Premier League disciplinary commission.
146) If a disciplinary hearing is to take place, it is likely to occur very soon,[sentencedict .com] a source said.
147) This means a disciplinary process and a scale of penalties that can be imposed.
148) The committee members promised that appropriate disciplinary measures would be taken against the offenders.
149) Stemp appeared before a disciplinary committee in Birmingham today - and was cleared of all blame for the incident.
150) Teachers believe that their interaction with pupils and the disciplinary problems which arise are the greatest source of stress in their work.
More similar words: multidisciplinaryinterdisciplinarydisciplinariandisciplinedisciplinedindisciplineundisciplinedself-disciplineself-disciplineddisciplediscipleshipculinarydiscretionarydiscretionary incomediscretionary spendingbinaryordinaryluminaryseminaryimaginaryveterinarysanguinarypreliminarybinary systemordinary shareurinary systemextraordinaryout of the ordinarydiscriminatepreliminary enquiry
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