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Departed in a sentence

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Sentence count:238+11Posted:2017-06-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: asleepat peaceat restawaybygonebypastdead persondead souldeceaseddeceased persondecedentdeparted(a)foregonegonegoneSimilar words: departreparteedeparturedepartmentdepart fromparteddeparture timedeparture gateMeaning: [-tɪd]  n. someone who is no longer alive. adj. 1. not present; having left 2. well in the past; former 3. dead. 
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181. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.
182. It is departed into normal generator set and automatic generator set(AMF) according to its control method.
183. That is one big understatement, as OS/2 was radically improved as soon as Microsoft departed the ship and it enjoyed moderate success for more than half a decade in the hands of IBM.
184. Then David and his men, which were about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go.
185. And all Israel departed from David, and followed Seba the son of Bochri: but the men of Juda stuck to their king from the Jordan unto Jerusalem.
186. According to its functions, ASON is departed into three basic modules: routing, signaling and link management.
187. Hereupon the hedgehog departed, for the hare was quite satisfied with this.
188. The team departed the scene via helicopter to the USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea.
188. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
189. Then Jesus went thence and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon.
190. The Taj Mahal was constructed as a monument of eternal love by the Emperor Shah Jahan Taj Mahal for his dearly departed wife.
191. And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence.
192. Periscopes at various heights and apparatus of visual relationship between the departed and the living souls.
193. A hackney - coach was called , and the father and daughter departed in it.
194. Mr Fogg, offering his arm to Aouda, then departed, followed by the crestfallen Passepartout.
195. The religion Smith founded originated amid the great fervour of competing Christian revivalist movements in early 19th-century America but departed from them in its proclamation of a new dispensation.
196. One of these, the parlor, gay with an ingrain carpet and dolorous with a funeral card and a death-picture of one of her numerous departed babes, was kept strictly for company.
197. Believed that you also in here, ever not once departed, my love angel protects you likely.
198. By the side of Victor Emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten, all rancour departed.
199. The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
200. He departed at a brisk gallop,[] but on the way met Gethings and Cutter returning.
201. He might have had a monomania on the subject of his departed idol; but on every other point his wits were as sound as mine.
202. Will the Deathly Hallows be the souls of the departed who, in their untarnished and undamaged state, can assist with the destruction of Horcruxes?
203. Strings of dusty niggers with splay feet arrived and departed.
204. With this Ibrahim departed and soon after awoke from his trance.
205. The departed are often dressed in a high - collared, - sleeved, red or yellow silk mourning gown.
206. Mandatory national law" means any statutory law concerning carriage of goods the provisions of which cannot be departed from by contractual stipulation to the detriment of the consignor."
207. Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates and Cambridge police Sergeant James Crowley departed hours earlier.
208. She now skipped irreverently from one grave to another; until, coming to the broad, flat, armorial tombstone of a departed worthy- perhaps of Isaac Johnson himself- she began to dance upon it.
209. Objective : To study the factors that affect the pneumoconiosis incidence in workers departed from dust.
210. The flight operated by the Antigua-based airline had departed from St. Maarten en route to St. Kitts when one of its wheels reportedly fell off.
More similar words: departreparteedeparturedepartmentdepart fromparteddeparture timedeparture gatefire departmentdepartment storedeparture loungeexecutive departmentpurchasing departmenttake partexpartehouse partyon the part oftake part inthwartedprivate partsart editorcold-heartedkindheartedlightheartedwarmheartedwholeheartedwarm-heartedgood-heartedhalf-heartedhalfhearted
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