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Crushing in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+4Posted:2017-06-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: brushinggushingpushingblushingcrushcrushedscrub brushwashing machineMeaning: ['krʌʃɪŋ]  n. forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority. adj. physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination. 
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121. The crushing machine is tested on some thermoplastic materials, such as LDPE, HDPE, PVC and EVA, and the experiment results are given .
122. However, the shearing tends to produce more branny particles than the crushing, so that the conditioning of wheat and purification become even more important.
123. An adult caiman is quite capable of crushing a smaller turtle's shell.
124. The medicine consists of old cucumber seed, hickory nut kernel, pyrite, infant urine and yellow wine and is prepared through heating, dipping in vinegar, soaking and crushing.
125. PEACE: Arturas Zuokas for solving the problem of illegally parked cars by crushing them with an armored vehicle.
126. Crushing herbs or fruits in a glass with a muddler stick, often with some sugar or other condiment to act as a grinding agent.
127. The invention also provides the preparation method of the ferromagnetic oxide powder, comprising the steps of dosing, mixing, preburning, crude crushing, fine grinding, drying, annealing and smashing.
128. In actual production process, crushing carbon's operational life span is about 6.19 year, 2 month shorter than carbon's life in pilot scale test.
129. The Symons Cone Crusher is widely used for secondary and fine crushing in the fields of mining, building materials, metallurgies and so on.
130. Central discharge column mill is a patent product adopting laminating crushing theory.
131. A crushing setback, pluckily overcome, is a good plot motif to carry the yarn forward.
132. Methods:Through the prescription medicine drying, crushing, sterilization, capsule was made, TLC method to identify the capsule semen raphani.
133. However, if crushing and squeezing the culms of Sorgo, the product includes mainly the sucrose and glucose with the sugar brix of 18%-28%.
134. Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back.
135. We now have the money we need to complete our vision of crushing the old-line media behemoths.
136. IMAGINE a macaroon, its pink surface smooth and delicate as paper, crushing through into a soft crumb perfumed with rose petals.
137. The paper analyzes the crushing capacity of impact crusher underground.
138. While trying to help starving villagers, Yunus met a 21-year-old woman named Sufia Begum, who was burdened by a tiny yet crushing debt, Yunus recalled in his autobiography,( "Banker to the Poor."
139. The 28-year-old man, identified as Evan Muncie, suffered from extreme dehydration and malnutrition, but did not appear to have significant crushing injuries, the doctors said.
140. The newfound vents are home to a menagerie of creatures adapted to darkness and crushing water pressures, species that thrive despite waters volcanically heated to near boiling.
141. Stable function, low noise, and low dust contamination, high crushing power with good results. Without any overheating problem during the operating it is a very durable machine.
142. Deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.
143. Produced various types of plastics extrusion unit, injection molding machine, blowing machine, crushing machine, dryer, printing machines and various accessories.
144. Undaunted by what had happened in Goodwood, he was preparing to use every bomber and fighter-bomber that could fly in a crushing bombardment that would blast a hole in the German line.
145. They will likewise aid and encourage all other practicable measures, which will lighten for peace-loving peoples the crushing burden of armaments.
146. Comminution to various crushing and grinding processes, through the ore to a suitable particle size.
147. A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.
148. Debris from the disintegrating vessel rained into the trees, crushing splinters.
149. The method to calculate value of crushing hole in roller chain plate is introduced.
150. The paper introduced the technological transformation of ore crushing , grinding, floatation, tailings transportation process and equipments.
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