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Crucible in a sentence

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Sentence count:88Posted:2017-03-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: irreduciblecrucialcrucifyexcruciatingforcibleirascibleinvincibleindestructibleMeaning: ['kruːsɪbl]  n. a vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high temperature chemical reactions. 
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31 Refractory metal and cemented carbides: steel, metal steel, tungsten metal, crucible etc.
32 Once the crucible of Maoism, Shenyang is by some accounts China's most politically unstable region.
33 Arise, soldiers of the Iron Crucible! The makers will be done!
34 Starting from the basic theories of magnetohydrodynamics, this paper presents theoretical and numerical model for calculation of meniscus shape in cold crucible continuous casting system.
35 Graphite Crucibles We require Graphite Crucible for the foundry. Kindly quote most competitive rates with MOQ as soon as possible.
36 Using coal-tar pitches as raw material, the thermal conversion experiments were done in multi - tube well - crucible controlled by programmed heating.
37 It can be used to clean inner walls of gas-fired aluminum alloy reverberating furnace, holding furnace and crucible furnace.
38 A small - handled, deep porcelain crucible used for heating and evaporating.
39 In this study the graphite crucible substrate sample is adopted and its self-healing behavior, impregnation process and methods of oxidation resistant coating are studied.
40 Machinable various types of high-purity graphite-graphite, graphite of mechanical parts and graphite crucible, bearing graphite, carbon brush, and so on.
41 The apparatus includes one temperature control device, one heating furnace, one PBN crucible supporting system, and one ultrasonic generator.
42 Filter the mixture with a G4 glass crucible pre-dried to a constant weight.
43 Our products are mainly focused on carbon felt, graphite felt, rigid graphite board, carbon fiber board, graphite block, graphite crucible and other machined graphite products.
44 Graphite crucible is a typical example of carbon composites and is one of absolutely necessary tools for modern coloured metallurgy.
45 Synopsis: Some problems on zone refining of silicon without crucible by wet hydrogen treatment are discussed.
46 Crucible still the main mineral mud, clay, limestone and so on.
47 Material sort, melting capacity, working condition, building process of the crucible and melting process are main factors influencing working life of the crucibles of induction furnaces.
48 The slideway kiln car is plate-shaped or has the structure of a casket[], a crucible or a tubular container.
49 The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte preparation with bisque firing crucible process.
50 Erosion mechanism of ferruginous crucible for melting zinc was lucubrated, and several methods which can improve corrosion resistance and service life of ferruginous crucible were introduced.
51 All gravimetric measurements require some sort of crucible or dish to hold the residue or precipitate.
52 The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte bisque firing crucible process.
53 It is found that yttria has a good stability to liquid uranium and its alloys at high temperature, and it is well suitable for coating of graphite crucible for melting uranium and its alloys.
54 The application of CaO crucible in high temperature smelting alloy in vacuum induction furnace was introduced.
55 Here you can see the "plinth" (crucible holder) in the bottom of the furnace.
56 Tianfu card crucible brand has become the most graphite crucible.
57 B player who enjoyed a memorable crucible debut last year.
58 By means of temperature field computer design method called the hanging double crucible method was developed.
59 The filter crucible become slim in the coned flande and dewater.
60 Once the crucible cooled, it contained a glass ingot ready to be sent to another workshop for remelting.
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