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Cracow in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-05-28Updated:2024-05-28
Similar words: sea cowdracoracooncoracoiddraconicextra costraconteurdraconianMeaning: n. an industrial city in southern Poland on the Vistula. 
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1. Like most buildings in Cracow, the church escaped war damage, but badly needs cleaning and repair.
2. In Cracow, sections of the city walls survive from Medieval building.
3. Visitors to Cracow can see this monumental altarpiece only from afar.
4. Cracow Cathedral was based on a similar design but, being later,( is of more advanced Gothic form.
5. Cracow was a transalpine university.
6. STEFAN: No, I'm not from Warsaw. I'm from Cracow. Where are you from?
7. Chartered Cities : Krakow ( Cracow ) , Lodz, Poznan, Warsaw, Wroclaw.
8. Cracow Film Festival – Grand Prix – The Golden Hobby Horse.
9. Much of the church was rebuilt in the nineteenth century and both Cracow churches have lost some of their Medieval character.
10. A third question is whether Mr Kaczynski deserved burial at the Wawel Cathedral in Cracow.
11. A river, about 7'4 km (475 mi) long, rising in south-central Poland northwest of Cracow and flowing generally north and west to the Oder River.
12. Polish officials, for example, were annoyed to be told to invite a senior Russian to a recent pro-democracy shindig in Cracow: excluding him would supposedly have caused a damaging row.
More similar words: sea cowdracoracooncoracoiddraconicextra costraconteurdraconianterra-cottaterra cottaterracottathoracotomycrackthoracoscopesupracondylaritraconazolethoracostomyelectra complexthoracolumbarcrack-upcracklycracklecrackercrackedcrack upcrack onextracorporealgimcrackcrack-downcold crack
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