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Concurrently in a sentence

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Sentence count:130Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: concurrentconcurrencecurrentlyconcurringcurrentrecurrentconcurring opiniontidal currentMeaning: adv. overlapping in duration. 
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91. Citibank President concurrently chief executive officer Lodz expresses the agreement to Liu Mingkang's words.
92. Article 30 Anyone who fishes without a fishing licence obtained in accordance with this Law shall have his catches and unlawful income confiscated and may be concurrently fined.
93. Background processing : Computer processing mode which can occur concurrently with main use of the machine, e. g. hyphenation and justification of a text file while other material is being input.
94. Spring coconut palm brown to design, coconut palm brown to weht to make up newly spring, have coconut packing up the moisture getting ventilative and comfortableness of spring brown concurrently.
95. This is to associate one of logion that accuse an assistant president to hold president Liu Chuanzhi concurrently.
96. A scientific researcher who is concurrently a teacher should get higher pay, because expending greater labour.
97. The two primary activities in communication are concurrently sending incremental data files by sources and concurrently receiving the incremental files by integrators.
98. Organic - inorganic nanometer compound material have concurrently characteristic of inorganic - organic matter.
99. He sees the Christianization of China as happening concurrently with China becoming a global power[], such that it will exercise that power as responsibly and benevolently as has the United States.
100. For example, in one design, the bit lines are not divided into odd and even bit lines so that all bit lines can be programmed and read concurrently (or not concurrently).
101. Be that our country highway, railroad, air communication, are comprehensiveness hub of communications concurrently.
102. Leveraging network structure: we concurrently develop both structures for network topology and protocols that take advantage of these structures to achieve dependable, simple, and analyzable networks.
103. Multiple Agents belong to a Data Center Server, and a Monitor Console can accesses and manages multiple Data Center Servers concurrently.
104. And limiting emeritus criterion is the scale that sees me hold two or more posts concurrently.
105. Concurrency control algorithm is used to ensure the consistency of multiuser database while allowing a set of transactions to be executed concurrently.
106. No JVM owns the cache, and there is no master/slave JVM concept; instead, any number of JVMs can read and write to the cache concurrently.
107. Hold the function that collects tool and technology tactics appreciation concurrently.
108. These pools take petrochemistry as main genesis and concurrently magmatic(volcanic)one.
109. Article 19: The financing guarantee company, after it obtains the approval from the regulatory authorities, can concurrently operate the following financing guarantee business, partially or wholly.
110. The active market refers to the markets which are concurrently featured by the following.
111. Harmony Is Strength —— Concurrently to Comment Bacon " Knowledge Is Strength "
111. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
112. Energy is applied across the mold so as to heat and vulcanize the rubber base material while concurrently adhering the adhesive film to the rubber base material.
113. The results showed that the activities of these enzymes were markedly increased by PEG osmoregulation, and the activities of related enzymes were concurrently increased...
114. Unless it has already done so, each country shall indicate, concurrently with depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, the class to which it wishes to belong.
115. Because it is and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function.
116. Developing software distributed concurrently is an effective way to shorten the software development cycle and cut the development cost down.
117. He was sentenced to two periods of years in prison, the sentences to run concurrently.
118. Data requests that users can send and receive concurrently using the available resource instances.
119. Convenient and practical: Haijibu is Trinitarian product, a perfect pair of cloth of glue, wall and coating, adornment sex and practical both hold concurrently.
120. And yet, as an inspection officer was concurrently the head administrative official in a circuit (lu), a higher-level administrative division, it could not be too small either.
More similar words: concurrentconcurrencecurrentlyconcurringcurrentrecurrentconcurring opiniontidal currentdirect currentcurrent assetsirreverentlyalternating currentcurrent expenditureconcurcurrencyoccurrencerecurrenceapparentlycoherentlyinherentlyincoherentlyreverentlyconcupiscentdifferentlybelligerentlyindifferentlyput differentlyconsequentlyconfidentlyconveniently
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