Similar words: colonial, colonize, colonist, colonise, colonizer, colonized, colonialism, colonization. Meaning: n. a water enema given to flush out the colon. adj. of or relating to the colon.
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61. More recently a series of anecdotal reports suggested that colonic neoplasia might be missed in patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms or lesions.
62. Figure 2 illustrates lysozyme mRNA in a colonic biopsy specimen from a patient with longstanding ulcerative colitis.
63. Colonic transit time was significantly longer in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.
64. These findings also reflect the higher proportion of elderly patients with colonic disease.
65. Therefore, of 180 patients eligible for colonic cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis 160 were entered into the programme.
66. Other reports also suggest that in this disease there are circulating antibodies against antigens common to biliary and colonic epithelia.
67. In addition to the large increases in colonic SCFAs, there were also important changes in the physical properties of the colonic contents.
68. There has recently been a revival of interest in changes in colonic motility in ulcerative colitis.
69. Colonic motor function has also been investigated with electromyography, the electrodes being attached to the mucosa in the intact human.
70. A similar paradox pertains in the relationship between dietary fibre, colonic cell proliferation, and experimental carcinogenesis.
71. These data on colonic permeability are limited and have not been correlated to the degree of inflammation present.
72. This patient had a previous left hemi-colectomy with a transverse colon rectal anastomosis for a colonic stricture.
73. The transit time in these patients was accelerated by a laxative, metoclopramide, and colonic lavage.
74. Examination round to the caecum showed no abnormality and biopsy specimens showed normal colonic mucosa.
75. Correlation with platelet count was particularly good in colonic disease.
76. In colonic neuropathies contractions were present, but their gastrocolonic response was absent and there were fewer HAPCs.
77. Tap dancers as entertainment falls somewhere between colonic irrigation and embalming.
78. The colonic segments were fixed in Carnoy's fixative and processed to paraffin.
79. There was no significant difference in the severity of the colonic inflammation between the treatment groups.
80. As well as arousal from sleep and the complex effects of food and polypeptide hormones[], neurotransmitters have been shown to affect colonic motility.
81. This unquestionable carbohydrate malabsorption, leads to a pronounced change in colonic function and metabolism by stimulating bacterial proliferation.
82. In the one patient in this series with this feature, there was marked active inflammation with expression of colonic phenotypic markers.
83. The results were compared with those obtained when culturing colonic specimens in the absence of the lymphocyte preparation.
84. The release of colonic regulatory peptides by bile salts does make physiological sense.
85. The patients were given supplementation for one month and colonic biopsy specimens were taken before and at the end of the trial.
86. Eating is an important stimulus for colonic motility in healthy human subjects.
87. Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals,( when colonic motility is known to peak.
88. Biochemical studies of normal colonic epithelium have shown that several different xenobiotic metabolising enzymes have a low activity in colonic epithelium.
89. The genesis of abdominal pain or disordered bowel habit is generally ascribed to abnormal colonic motor function.
90. Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man.
More similar words: colonial, colonize, colonist, colonise, colonizer, colonized, colonialism, colonization, colonisation, neocolonialism, decolonization, colon, colony, colonel, cyclonic, colonnade, semicolon, colon cancer, penal colony, colonoscopy, sigmoid colon, plymouth colony, ascending colon, transverse colon, ecological niche, massachusetts bay colony, nicolaus copernicus, solon, so long, cloning.