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Home > Canonicals in a sentence

Canonicals in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2024-08-25Updated:2024-08-25
Similar words: canonicalcanonicallycanonical formconicaltechnicalsironicalmechanicalstechnical specifications
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1. However, a simple and powerful canonical form is obtainable.
2. But in 5 it is at least canonical.
3. And this the canonical evangelists stress, each in his own way.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
4. The whole canonical process recognizes the primacy of conscience and free will.
5. Consequently, is the coefficient of in the equation of the canonical form in which is basic.
6. In the second place, the modal meaning is derivable from the canonical lexical meaning but not the other way round.
7. Sutherland had achieved canonical status in the field by devising a computer program called Sketchpad.
8. The second shift occurs when both the centre of orientation and the related objects are excluded from the canonical situation.
9. Only one fragmentary letter of his survives in the canonical New Testament.
10. Canonical traits are not only to be found in words denoting living things.
11. On the basis of their canonical nucleotide sequences they can be classified as group I introns.
12. If one looks to sources other than the canonical scriptures, Thomas's role assumes larger proportions.
13. It may represent a calcium-sensitive form of the enzyme as it contains one canonical EF-hand motif.
14. It is also unlucky for the bride to make canonicals herself.
15. Besides, it is unlucky for the groom to see the bride with wedding canonicals before she arrives at the wedding.
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