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Brightness in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+6Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: brightness levelclevernesslightluminanceluminosityluminousnesssmartnessSimilar words: righteousnessbrightlybrightenearnestnesslightningwitnessfitnessgreatnessMeaning: [braɪtnɪs]  n. 1. the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white 2. intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty 3. the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light. 
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181. Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled Brightness or Black Level.
182. The lamps are long emergency lighting time and high brightness.
183. By comparison, Jupiter is one billionth the brightness of our sun.
184. In the case of a data input mode, the brightness of the backlighting is reduced.
185. I have the silver-white color body, on the lamp holder am may adjust brightness the knob, but also some may four extension necks !
186. The results show that using 2,2-Bipyridyl and sodium thiosulfate can increase brightness of coating, enlarge the scope of current density.
187. At paraxial approximation the maximum of the matching function is increasing with increased divergence angle. For different brightness of pumping light(, the optimum value of the angle is obtained.
188. Three comprehensive parameters that is reflectional degree X1, brightness rate X2 and diffuse light X3, are put forward in optical space domain of lustre sensation physics.
189. He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed.
190. Everything from basic colors of ink mixing, another ink have been formed with gray - scale and brightness.
191. A complete party constitution is of the party the milepost of a brightness on construction history.
192. Locate the brightness control for your display device. It could be labeled "Brightness" or "Black level".
193. Cast-iron hutch basin, via special material and craft processing, first what cast-iron material brightness resides all sorts of building materials.
194. Good temper is like a sunny day , It'sheds its brightness everywhere.
195. Spread- eagled and squint-eyed in the morning brightness, he heard a faint ticking noise near his head.
196. M06 High Bright Kaolin has features of high brightness and minor particle. It is suitable to use as dope for high class coating paper and top coat when it is coated at medium or low speed.
197. But a coalesced star is out of sync. It looks preternaturally young, surviving when others of equal brightness and color have passed on.
197. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
198. The brightness contrast and color difference are two regular independent criterions which have been used to test the color of camouflage paints, but their relation was neglected in previous studies.
199. More bulbs in the series circuit will decrease their brightness. A smaller current will flow.
200. Since ceramic products friable , easy bifida, the lack of optical brightness and beauty and colours and shapes too single, so now the gradual decline in the proportion of households using decoration.
201. Under this condition, the pulp with high yield(91%) and high brightness(87.76% ISO) was obtained and more than 90 percent of the fluorescence substance in cotton linter pulp was removed.
202. Small apartment usually choose Brightness and color purity are high.
203. Brightness factor F is keywords , the simultaneous inner minor wave modulus carries out a descending sort on all son , the F minor wave modulus choosing front implants location as figure watermark.
204. Based on the relation of color space of XYZ and Lab, this article studies the close relationship between brightness contrast and color difference tolerance of camouflage paints.
205. Adds silvery brightness to gray hair and neutralizes brassy tones in all shades.
206. What's more , modulating the voltage level applied to the pixel allows many discrete levels of brightness.
207. The present invention has following advantages of improving picture definition and brightness of a color picture tube, simplifying manufacturing technique and reducing production cost.
208. Someone having always that strange brightness of an essential flame that is caught, meshed, contravened.
209. The scanner calibration variables including brightness , contrast, gamma value, the white balance.
210. Through the parallel port 8255 A to control LED brightness light - emitting diode out . 2.
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